Saturday, June 21, 2008

S u m m e r N i g h t s

Wednesday was a beautiful day. Actually, the past few days have been very nice temperature wise. We enjoyed some of the weather by going out doors of course! The girls are walking! They have been for a few weeks now. I thought they would be in the prefer-crawling-over-walking mode for awhile. But they surprised me and both caught on to full-time walking at basically the same time! They are done with nursing, bottles and pacifiers. They have been pretty good sleepers, but the end of April, they BOTH started sleeping through the whole night. 8 pm to 7 am-ish without waking up at all! Of course there is the occasional wake-up, but that is rare. I love it when all kids (especially 4 of them!) sleep the WHOLE night. I should learn from them and go to bed at 8 pm too!

I was going to mention, and maybe I did, but we watched Alfred Hitchcock's The Wrong Man, starring Henry Fonda while we were in Maryland visiting the Heits. I really liked it. If you are having a bad day, watch this movie. It's not a butterfly-lamb-frolicking movie, but it puts in perspective that maybe some of our "problems" really aren't so bad; and, are more manageable than we think. Check it out.

Here are the pictures from Wednesday. Enjoy!

The boys had a fun time racing Lee. We need to get Cal riding a trike. He is content to push a stroller for the time being though.

Cal and his SUPER FAST stroller

Clark and his scooter...he too needs a transition--to a two-wheeled bike!

What a great way to end your day, huh?


T said...

Yea for walking during the day and sleeping during the night! Yes my garden should be doing better now that I have a way to keep the birds out of it. Glad to hear all is well with you.

Kelly said...

Your kids are so cute! I wish we could see them in person! It sounds like you're having a great summer :)

Nicole said...

Wow, the girls are getting so big! So when do you guys make your big move??