Thursday, February 26, 2009
A Fun How-To-Get-Out-Of-Debt Movie
Posted by
11:02 PM
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
I've heard from a couple of people that this is true: a free sub from Quizno's.
Enjoy one for me!
Posted by
10:12 PM
Monday, February 23, 2009
Surprises never cease with this pregnancy. Though I am hoping there will be no more.
This morning at about 2:15am my water broke. I was taken down to labor and delivery where they hooked me up to an iv and gave me antibiotics and some saline solution stuff. I even had to be on a bed pan!
Thankfully the baby looked great on the monitor and I didn't go into labor. (And I am still not in labor.) And I am not on a bed pan anymore. My doctor said that I could go back up to my old room and keep doing what I was doing--bedrest. They didn't let me eat this morning, but my food privileges were restored. I am going to keep taking some advice a nurse gave me: "Eat big, because you don't know when it will be your last meal." So true! My doctor doesn't know why my water broke. He suspects that the bleeding I had a few weeks ago could have weakened the membrane, thus contributing to my early morning surprise.
If I go into labor, they will not stop it because my water already broke. I guess some ladies hang out for weeks on bedrest after having their water break. I hope I am part of the "some". I will continue to recieve antibiotics for a few days through an iv, and then I will start taking oral antibiotics. I will still have my ultrasounds every Wednesday.
So after being scared and some tears and calling Lee at 3:30 in the morning, I am doing well. My good friend Kelly came and visited me today and that was very nice. Plus she surprised me with some awesome goodies! Since I only gained 0.2 pounds last week, I am going to enjoy (more likely indulge in) the yummy chocolate she brought! (The week before I had gained 3 pounds..which is a bit much for one week!) I will get to see my parents tomorrow and later on in the week, Lee and Clark will come up.
With never having complications in any pregnancy, this one has been full of just about everything!
Posted by
4:50 PM
Saturday, February 21, 2009
26 Weeks!
Another week down! YEAH! The baby now has a 70% survival rate. But the way things are going, he'll have no problems growing into a healthy baby. Because I am "stable", I no longer have a saline lock in my hand/arm! What a treat that is! I do not like saline locks. Also, I was able to get a wrist band removed too. It had a big plastic clasp on it and was kind of annoying, so I asked the nurse where I got the band from. I couldn't remember if it was from here or at the Fort. She told me it was from here and I had it on in case I needed an emergency blood transfusion. But, it is only good for 72 hours--my first three days here at the hospital. So, it was long expired. Plus, I didn't have to get another band (which would have meant they would have drawn blood from me, tested it, and then for the next 72 hours I would once again be able to easily receive an emergency blood transfusion...if necessary).
The physical therapist gave me some new exercises to do with my arms. I guess she hunted down the doctor and really wanted me to be doing more exercises than just toe wiggles. Seriously, that is what I was/am doing: wiggle my toes, flex my feet, and rotate my ankles. I am still doing those things--mainly for circulation--plus the arm exercises. Those too are also easy. But it is something!
That almost sums it up. I am feeling good and am still keeping busy. Deborah sent me some cute cards to color, so I did those a little today. I am hoping I can receive the sacrament next week. They now have my Bishop's cell phone number, so that will help facilitate the whole thing.
I do have a couple of random stories. The other day, one of the "Room Service" people came and brought me a meal. When she walked in she basically said: "It smells good in here. The other patients' rooms smell gross!" I don't think my room "smells" like anything. But the other rooms must smell bad if she noticed a difference!
As for the girls, I guess they are eating extremely well at Lena's. They eat so well, that after Lena's kids are done eating, the girls will go and finish up their cousins' food too. It's pretty funny. And when I talk to the girls at night, it seems like Shanna is often eating.
Most of you know that Lee speaks Spanish to our kids. Our kids don't speak much Spanish themselves, but they understand Lee just as much as they understand me. Well, apparently when Mike speaks to the girls in English, they don't respond to him very well, or at all. He started speaking Spanish to them and they respond pretty well to him! I thought that was funny. And I am glad that they are still getting Spanish. Lee is very happy about it.
Cal was very excited to see my parents the other day. Darrell's oldest was baptized on Saturday, so Stacie's parents and sister and brother-in-law were there, plus one of my cousin Grant and his wife Sandra and family. And my parents of course were there. I guess Cal was jumping up and down with excitement when he saw grandma and grandpa! Sounds like they all had a great weekend at Darrell's.
Check Lee's blog out for an update about Clark:
No new pictures, but here are some cute ones from last summer. I've posted them before on my blog, but repetition is good, right?
Posted by
8:35 PM
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Quite often I hear this "harp" sound out in the hallway, like someone playing a chord or something on a harp. I thought it was when the nurses turned on some sort of program for the patients. I finally asked the nurses today about the harp sound. They said that sound happens every time a baby is born. I thought that was so cute! And, about five minutes ago, I just heard that sound. So today I think two babies were born.
Posted by
10:15 PM
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Yesterday was exciting: I got my saline lock out! YEAH! If I stay "stable" then I can keep it out. I am not sure how long that will last, but I am grateful for any break from the saline locks.
Yesterday my cousin Heidi had a beautiful baby girl, which was very exciting. What is very cool about it: the baby girl is my Grandma Bartholomew's 100th great-grandchild! AND the baby was born on my grandparents' 70th anniversary! So awesome! How many grandparents live to see that happen?!
I think our little guy will be the 30th grandchild on Lee's side and on my side the 23rd. (I am assuming I will have my baby before Deborah.)
Today was a historic day for my parents. After 38 years of marriage, and 37 years with children, they are now "empty nesters". My youngest brother Sheldon entered the Missionary Training Center today in Provo, Utah. He is there preparing to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Milan, Italy area. He leaves the end of April to Italy. All of my brothers have served missions. (Dominican Republic, California-Chinese speaking, Australia, Guatemala and now Italy!) I served in Los Angeles, California.
Sorry Sheldon, I already edited your cell phone contact info and switched it over to Dad. Gone are the days of the "kid" cell phone.
Posted by
2:58 PM
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
I forgot to write this earlier. On Sunday I was chatting with Mike and Haley via the webcam and Haley started kissing the computer screen! It was so cute! I'm glad she knows who I am, and still loves me.
Posted by
3:03 PM
Monday, February 16, 2009
Since Lee has a great work schedule, I am sure many of you know that he has the day off today. He also had half of Friday off too! This morning I woke up not feeling so hot--nothing to do with the baby, thankfully! I feel like a sore throat or something is coming on. I haven't been taking naps, but after I was on the baby monitor, I just kept lying in bed and fell asleep a little. At about 10 am, someone opened the door and I thought it was a nurse and it was LEE!!! It was a great surprise! I knew he had the day off, but I didn't think he would come up. We had a fun "date" together of hospital food and a little movie with Nancy Drew joining forces with the Hardy Boys on Netflix.
He is on his way back home now to get Clark from school. I feel a little better, but not completely fine. But like I said, it's just me getting/feeling sick, not the baby, so that is good.
Posted by
2:48 PM
Sunday, February 15, 2009
A great message from Gordon B. Hinckley
Posted by
9:52 PM
25 Weeks!
Well, I am 25 weeks along. If I deliver the baby at 34 weeks like my doctor is recommending (and hopefully I will make it that far!) then I have just 9 more weeks in the hospital. Well, if I factor in a healthy baby, plus recovery time, I guess it will be about 10 more weeks in the hospital. BUT I won't be on bedrest anymore! Though, I am quite nervous about having a baby so early. I have never had a baby in the NICU. One nurse here told me that most babies delivered at 34 weeks or later, just have a short stay in the NICU--seven to ten days at most. I keep praying that my baby will be strong and healthy when he is born. One of my nurses had a baby at 34 weeks and he was a little over 7 pounds! Amazing!
Last week I received my betamethasone shots; it's a steroid. I got two shots, 24 hours apart from each other, and this will help develop the baby's lungs faster.
I had some welcomed visitors this week! On Tuesday my Bishop and his wife and two youngest boys came and said hi. He also gave me a wonderful blessing. I was grateful they would drive all this way to see me!
Wednesday I had an ultrasound. It was a quick one to check the fluid levels and heart rate of the baby. Every four weeks (so in three weeks) I will get an "in-depth" ultrasound where the ultrasoundographer will measure the baby and check out his organs. Those will be nice because I'll find out a good estimate of his current weight.
Wednesday after my ultrasound, I was brought to my "new" room. I really like it! I hope I can stay here for the rest of the time. If there are too few patients in antepartum, then I might get moved down to the postpartum area. I guess one of the antepartum patients went home because she was stable and reached 34 weeks. But it sounds like another patient arrived that is 20 weeks and also has placenta previa. I don't know any of these ladies. I just get bits of info from the nurses.
Thursday was a "busy" day. That afternoon I had a surprise visit from someone in my ward. I didn't know her very well (but now know her better), but had met her at church and learned her name. She and her daughter were at a horse show in town, and they came by to see me! It was great! I loved the surprise visit.
Thursday evening was eventful. Because I am high risk, my doctor wants me to always have a saline lock/IV starter. I can keep one in me for five days, and then I need a new one. Thursday was the fifth day, and that evening my nurse poked me to start a new one. Well, she didn't get the needle in the vein, so she dug around, but with no luck. She went and got another nurse. The other nurse poked me further down the arm and again, after digging around, had no luck with the vein. The head floor nurse (or whatever her title is) came in and poked me a third time. She was successful! YEAH! This is one of my least favorite things about the hospital--the saline locks. I will be poked a lot before I go home.
Later that night, my parents and Italian bound Anziano Bartholomew (aka Elder [Sheldon, my youngest brother] Bartholomew) visited me. They are on their way to take Elder Bartholomew to the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah. I'm sure you guessed, but Anziano is Italian for Elder. It was fun too see them. They also came Friday morning and said hi before officially heading out west.
Friday night Lee and Clark arrived. Lee brought up lots of goodies and treats from my friends here, which was really fun. Thank you! Lee and I watched Holiday with Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn. It was fine. The plot was a little on the boring side. Lee and Clark spent the night in my hospital room. There is a washer and dryer here so Lee did some laundry for me Saturday morning. They left Saturday afternoon. A family on our street got baptized and we wanted someone from our family there. Plus I was/am their gospel principles teacher. We are so excited for the whole family!
For Valentine's Day, Lee surprised me with some photos of each of our children and then one of Lee and I. It is a great present and the frame fits nicely on the bedside table/dresser. I also received some beautiful flowers from Lee's parents (shown in picture.)
Here is the family that was baptized on Saturday, the Wiley's. Lee offered one of the prayers at the baptism. It was really neat because the dad was baptized and after receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost and then the Aaronic Priesthood, he baptized his wife and daughters.
Here are some pictures of my new room!
The bathroom
The room
The white thing on my right arm is covering my saline lock.
Posted by
9:00 PM
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Here are the mini roses that Stephanie sent to me. They are really cute. I hope I can keep them alive!
This is Jing. She is my favorite nurse. Good thing too because she is usually here during the day, Monday through Friday. It's not a good picture. My webcam was out of focus when I took it.
Posted by
1:48 PM
Dave Ramsey pick up lines - II
You look familiar ... didn't I deliver a pizza to you last week?
When I saw you, my jaw dropped like the value of a new car.
You look so good, I could sell you on eBay!
From Gazelle Gazette, the newsletter from My Total Money
Posted by
12:16 PM
Sunday, February 8, 2009
24 Weeks
The baby is now 24 weeks along! His chances for survival are now 50%. Every week, his chances for survival go up 10%. So next week, at 25 weeks, he'll be at a 60%, at 26 weeks, 70% and so on. I think once he reaches 100% at 30 weeks, then it's all about development and avoiding possible physical limitations after that.
Clark and the girls were at Kelly's on Friday. She sent me some pictures and here are two of them.
Shanna and Haley napping--sooo cute!
And Clark playing at Kelly's.
When Lee was messing with the webcam one night I realized that I can take pictures with it. So, I opened the webcam program and figured it out. Well, it was super easy! I thought I would take pictures of my wonderful hospital room today. Enjoy!
The machine in the upper-right is the monitor. I am hooked up to it twice a day for 20 minutes. It monitors the baby's heartbeat and my contractions.
I am SO glad to be able to use a computer here! It has helped immensely!
And of course I have a flat screen TV. It's a good size actually, it just looks smaller because of the picture. There is cable here so I have been having fun with that as we don't have cable or satellite TV at home.
And just for fun: here is my family in 1992. That summer we took a really fun trip to New York City. We also went to other places too. I am sure we stopped at some church historical sites and Niagara falls, plus a stop to Philadelphia and Hershey, PA. We may have even stopped in Chicago on this trip... I'll have to get the details from my parents and older siblings. But it was a FUN trip!
I am having a good Sunday. A very quiet day. I was hoping someone from the local ward would administer the sacrament to me, but I don't think that is set up yet. Lee might administer it to me when he comes and visits.
I've already been on the monitor, received a heparin shot, had my daily visit from the doctors, plus eaten breakfast and lunch. I am going to try and watch Music and the Spoken Word on BYU TV in about an hour. Also, they change my bedding every other day, and I really like that. (The nurse changed it today.) It's great having clean sheets all the time! At home I usually wash the bedding either once a week or every other week. But I am glad they change them so often here for me. I am trying not to take naps during the day so that I will sleep really well at night. So far it has worked. Since I am laying around all day and not using much energy, I could see myself not sleeping well at night if I took naps during the day.
Sounds like I won't be moving till Wednesday. But hey, I don't mind. I'm not going anywhere anyway! I guess Wednesday will be a big, exciting day though. I will have an ultrasound AND switch rooms. Wow!
Enjoy your Sunday everyone!
Posted by
1:12 PM
Saturday, February 7, 2009
My kids throwing up last night was pretty random. I think Clark is emotionally overwhelmed, so I think that is why he was sick yesterday (partly maybe?). Thanks Kelly for putting up with it! But Haley throwing up, that was weird. And thinking about last night with them being sick in the hospital makes me chuckle. Sounds like Clark threw-up A LOT! And poor Lee! He had his wife right in the room with him and she couldn't help. Truthfully, I am glad I didn't have to help with that!
I am having a good day and feeling good. I talked with Cal a little through video chat again. He is doing well and enjoying the toys at Darrell's.
Posted by
3:05 PM
Friday, February 6, 2009
This evening before Lee and the kids arrived, I talked with Cal via video chat, and after hearing him say: "I love you mommy", a couple of times, I lost it. Darrell said he had a good day and he even got a new toy today! He seemed in better spirits this evening when we all said hi and goodnight to him.
I had my second visit today from Lee and the other kids. I hope I didn't ruin the visit too much for Lee as I kept crying. I would stop here and there. But I know Lee would have liked to have gone without the throw-up. First Haley threw up on my sheet, and then Clark threw up on the floor. At least he just had to clean off the kids and not the other stuff. The hospital staff did the rest. Despite an odd visit, I was very, very glad they came. It was so hard seeing my girls and not being able to pick them up and play with them. They did eventually sit by me on the bed and that was nice. Okay I better stop, I am making myself cry right now! I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family!
Posted by
10:21 PM
For example, after I had a c-section with the twins I still had a big belly that looked at least 7 months pregnant (if you want a picture for proof, I have one!) and of course my belly was just sliced open, so I wasn't exactly up for moving around, or taking a shower. I thought it was incredibly ironic when the nurse said, "This will probably be your best shower ever." What?! No way Jose! Sure, it was nice to get cleaned up, but sooo uncomfortable!
But, this morning I am, of course, feeling the same as I did when I was at home taking showers and it went just fine. The nurse made sure the "help cord" was in my shower just in case.
Posted by
4:56 PM
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Pictureless Post
Well, the end of the week we had a few things planned. Other than the normal, busy kid things, here was the list:
Tuesday: Cleaning the bathrooms and floors upstairs
Thursday: Can 100 lbs of wheat with Lee (kids at a babysitters)
Friday: Laundry and a get-together with friends
Saturday: Go to the temple and go shopping!
Next weekend:
Friday: Babyshower & Valentine's Dance (Lee has the day off next Friday)
Saturday: Babysit for friends
Monday: Go to outlet malls, get maternity clothes--Lee has the day off for President's day too!
Monday, when I had my ultrasound, the lady said that my placenta was completely covering my cervix. With that news I started gearing up for a c-section as that is my only delivery choice! Little did I know what else was entailed in that finding.
Well, early Tuesday morning about 1:15am Lee got up to get Shanna and put her in her crib. Almost at the same time I woke up and felt something leak out of me. I knew it was not good. It was blood. After talking to the nurse at the hospital, I went to labor and delivery and rested on a bed there. I continued to bleed, though it wasn't too bad. After talking with my OB and another doctor and some tears, I found out that I had placenta previa, I guess I knew I had that because my placenta was covering my cervix, but I didn't know that serious complications could arise because of the positioning of the placenta. I was being transferred by ambulance to a hospital in Columbia 2 1/2 hours away. Lee was already at the hospital, Clark at school and the kids at our good friend's house. Lee went to get some stuff done--like get some diapers to our friend for our girls while I waited for the ambulance.
A paramedic and his helper came and strapped me into an ambulance stretcher bed. It was kind of funny, as they were wheeling me out I was eating a popsicle, laying there and looking very content. At one point we were in the elevator and there were five men in there. One said: "I want a popsicle!" It was funny.
On the way to Columbia the ambulance was having troubles and couldn't go more than 35 mph. They called in another ambulance and in about 15 minutes we were on our way again. By that time Lee had caught up because we were going so slow. Larry, the paramedic (and deputy and captain at the fire station) said I was his nicest patient he's had in a long time. He was pretty upset that the ambulance wasn't working properly. He came with us on the other ambulance too.
We arrived at the hospital, gave Larry a copy of The Book of Mormon, and after being transferred to my third bed that day, I was greeted by four doctors. They asked me questions and did a quick ultrasound on me. The rest of the day was filled with phone calls, blood pressure checks, another doctor visit and ice chips! When I left the hospital on base they gave me jello and a popsicle and that was the last of my food for awhile.
Tuesday night Lee spent the night at the hospital with me. There was a couch in my room that turned in to a bed. Tuesday morning a nurse at the hospital on base put an iv starter in each hand just in case I needed an emergency blood transfusion or some liquid for dehydration. Tuesday evening they were very uncomfortable in my hands. I asked a couple of times if I could get them taken out. Nope!
Wednesday morning I went down to Maternal Fetal Medicine, a clinic here in the hospital. The doctors there are specialists in pregnancy stuff, and I received an in-depth ultrasound. The baby boy looked great. According to his measurements he weighed 1 pound 7 ounces. Also, according to his measurements his "due date" is May 26th. That was great news! I am not "due" till May 31, so to hear that he may be growing a little ahead of schedule is GREAT!
I was finally allowed to eat late Wednesday morning! YEAH! Later that day we found out the news. Since I have complete placenta previa, that means that I will be on bedrest in this hospital till I deliver my baby. At anytime I could go into labor or lose a severe amount of blood, and they want me right here just in case. When I was at the hospital on base I was put on a bed pan, and then they let me go to the bathroom after I was here for a few hours. Then yesterday afternoon I was put on a bedpan again and it sounded like I would be on one for a few days!
One of my brothers, Darrell, arrived early Tuesday evening to help take care of the kids. Thank you Darrell and Stacie! Wednesday he brought Cal, Haley and Shanna to the hospital. While they were here, they got to participate in the excitement of going to the antepartum unit! I was in Labor and Delivery, but L & D was getting full and since they now had seven antepartum patients (antepartum as opposed to postpartum) they re-opened the antepartum unit. I will be here till Monday. Then on Monday I am going to the newly remodeled antepartum unit and will be there to stay. The current place I am in is going to be a pediatric unit.
This morning Dr. Floyd, the specialist for high-risk pregnancies, came and talked with me, along with the resident doctor, Dr. Thompson. They said I could go to the bathroom! And take a shower. Such good news! I was very happy to hear that.
I also met with a preemie specialist (neonatologist?) and he told me what to expect if my baby is born as a preemie and an overview of what happens each week the baby stays in the womb to develop, or is born.
I am now getting heprin, a blood thinner in shot form once or twice a day. (I am not sure about that yet--if it's once or twice.) Since my body is trying to stop bleeding on it's own AND I am in bed practically all the time, I am at higher risk for clotting. I hope I don't have to give it to myself! I don't mind being poked with needles, but I want someone else to do the poking!
Also I am put on the monitor for 20 minutes twice a day. And every Wednesday I will get to travel out of my room and go down to Maternal Fetal Medicine for an ultrasound.
The amenities here are great! This really is a nice hospital. Besides the excellent care that I am being provided, they have great food and a "Hospitality" office or group or whatever. The menu is like room service at a hotel. I call when I want, and order what I want. Well, I do have to order dinner before 6:30 pm. I can choose any entree, three sides and any drink. Also, I can have snacks in between meals. The nurse just told me that I can even get a milkshake if I want! So I am trying to be pretty good and make some good meal choices. Also, since I am an antepartum patient, I can order off of the cafeteria menu. No other patients can, just antepartum patients because they will be here for so long. That menu changes every week, so I will have lots of variety to my diet. One of the nurses told me that every time I eat, I should eat big, because it might be my last meal for awhile. I can handle that!
Hospitality came today and refilled my water and brought me some paper and a pen. The lady, Donna even got me filtered water! (I don't care if it's filtered or not, but she said she didn't like giving the patients tap water.) She also said that they have games and crafts that I can do.
In my current room there is a flat screen TV and a DVD/VCR combo. So I am not lacking in anything. I am quite spoiled actually.
It is such a weird thought that I can't go grocery shopping, go outside, go to church, pick up my girls, see my family everyday, for (hopefully) four months! My Bishop should be contacting the ward here to have someone come on Sundays and administer the sacrament to me. Some of the kids will be with my siblings for awhile. Darrell bought us a webcam for our home computer and is letting me borrow his laptop for a little while. I will soon be borrowing Sam's laptop for the duration of my stay. Lee bought me a webcam for the computer here, so we'll all be able to stay connected.
Well, I guess I'll save money because I won't be buying some maternity clothes as I had planned!
I really, really appreciate all of my friends and family and people in my ward for stepping up and helping out. It's been great getting emails and messages. Guess the break I've been wishing for finally came!
This was funny: my nurse came in and talked to me and asked how I was doing. She later told me about a couple of the patients--one went into labor early and they are trying to stop her contractions, the other had a uterine rupture (if I remember correctly). She then told me, "But you, YOU are our high risk patient." I definitely don't feel high risk, but I am. Everyday and week that my baby can stay in me is essential to his development. The initial goal is to reach 34 weeks, but mine is 38!
I told Lee that we should just expect crazy things happening to us. After Lee being held up by gun point, our van stolen, our wonderful surprise twins, this shouldn't be a surprise. I guess we like to give people some excitement once in awhile! I wonder what will happen next year...
Posted by
5:31 PM
It's February!
Yeah! I am so glad that one month has already passed as I am SO excited to be out of debt in December! I think I am making it longer for myself though as I can't wait for December to roll around already!
Last week Clark had THREE, yes THREE snow days! It actually was weird that he had a snow day on Thursday, but I think I mentioned all of this in a previous post.
Here is Clark sledding with some neighbors last Tuesday
On Wednesday we went to a friend's to go sledding but the kids ended up playing and here are the girls
Last Friday night we babysat our friends' kids. She babysits a lot for us and I was glad we could help her out! Right before babysitting, I went to the grocery store for the weekly shopping and Lee had all 8 kids to himself for about an hour. He did just fine though. I wasn't worried.
Saturday I brought some jello salad and a cake over to my neighbor and she brought them to a funeral for me.
Here is a picture of Cal and Haley Saturday morning that Clark took
I brought Clark to a birthday party that afternoon. I ended up staying and it was good to meet two other moms that had boys Clark and Cal's ages! And their kids go (or will go) to the same school.
Later that afternoon we took all the kids to a community center on base. There was some fun stuff available for the kids to play with.
It was really nice on Saturday, mid 50s, so we went outside for a little too.
Saturday night we babysat some kids for some other friends. Sunday went well and not much happened, just a nice Sunday.
Monday I went to Walmart with Cal and the girls and stocked up on some stuff. That afternoon I had my "20 week" ultrasound. I am 23 weeks along, but because of scheduling, this worked out the best. Our boy looked great!
We are very set on getting out of debt this year, and so getting prepared financially has been our main focus. I have also been working at our food storage because having no debt is good, but in case of a huge emergency, one needs food! As I was thinking of that I realized that we really needed to update our 72 hour kits! We definitely need those! So Monday for FHE we went through our kits and started to get them all prepped. There are a few things we still need, but we have a good base started. It was actually really fun going through all the stuff with the kids and Clark and Cal were really excited to have their own backpack and fill them up with their clothes, candy, books, a toy, etc.
Here the kids are Monday night
Have a great week!
Posted by
4:17 PM
Monday, February 2, 2009
You can get a free grandslam breakfast at Denny's tomorrow, 6am to 2pm. Check it out!
Posted by
10:29 PM
Sunday, February 1, 2009
I was upstairs a little while ago. I put the girls in their cribs, turned off the light and closed the door. Next thing I know the light was turned back on. A little while later after I finished reading Clark a book, some giggling girls caught my attention. I went in to the girls' room and my suspicions were correct, Shanna had climbed into Haley's crib. They were having a great time. It was so cute! But, I had to break up the party. I am glad they are good friends at such a young age!
Posted by
10:02 PM