Sunday, March 16, 2008

Happy Easter!

We hope all you of had a wonderful weekend. We enjoyed Sacrament meeting very much. Lee and I were in the choir. In between choir pieces a few people had been asked beforehand to share a brief testimony on a certain topics pertaining to Christ and the Easter season. I thought it was a wonderful mix—our own little music, along with the spoken word.

We had a nice, normal week. I finally got my hair cut, which was nice. Clark can buckle his seat belt now! I knew he was able to do it, but never did it, and thus never had any practice. Since we started doing a sticker chart with him, he would get a sticker every time he buckled his seat belt. He’s caught on and now I only have to buckle in three kids. Now we just have to get Cal to wear flip-flops. And speaking of Cal, he is officially potty-trained! He has been for a few weeks, but thought I would share it with you all.

On Wednesday I was talking to my mom and about half-way through our conversation she asked if she and my dad and Sheldon could come visit us this past weekend. YEAH!!! They arrived Friday night and left Sunday morning. It was a short visit, but very fun. We kept them busy while they were here.

Saturday morning the guys, minus Cal, went to Lowe’s for a Build and Grow thing. Clark made this little windmill, like in miniature golf. He also got a wooden golf club and plastic golf ball so he can play with his windmill.

When they got home we took off for an Easter egg hunt at a church in another town. I thought it would be fun to try and get as much free candy as we could. If you haven’t guessed by now, I am all about candy on holidays! The boys grabbed a few eggs, but there were so many children that the eggs were all snatched up in about 3 minutes.

My dad treated us all to lunch and then we tried to find Davy Crockett’s birth place. We didn’t find it, but learned that he was apparently born in Greenville, Tennessee. We did go to the Tipton Haynes Historical place here in Johnson City. I don’t know who Tipton Haynes is, but we had fun exploring the property and going in the cave. Actually, we drive by this place every Sunday. And now we know what is there. Clark really liked the tractor, see pictures below.

We learned an interesting fact while at the Tipton Haynes place. There is a major street in Johnson City named State of Franklin. In the late 1800’s, a state was going to be formed named Franklin, but it lacked one vote for statehood.

Later that afternoon we went to the church for our 2nd Easter egg hunt that the Elder’s Quorum organized. The boys loved that too.

After cleaning up, talking, taking evening naps, bathing the kids, putting the kids to bed, Lee, Sheldon and I played some games. First, That’s Life, then Boggle—dad joined us, then Settlers of Catan. I won That’s Life and Boggle and Lee won Settlers of Catan. (We miss you Don & Teresa!) I was kind of annoyed that I wasn’t winning Settlers, and of course lost. But then when I was talking to Lois today, I realized I had won the other two. Silly me. I am glad Lee won though. I have beating him a lot lately at games. It’s funny because we’ll play a game and during the beginning and middle I will be frustrated because I think I’m loosing, and then almost always I win. I am glad Lee still likes to play games with me!

That’s about all from here. It was snowing here a little bit ago, and is probably still snowing. It’s funny because I looked at the weather and it’s supposed to be 70 on Friday. I hope it is!

A little story for all you shoppers…I haven’t bought the girls shoes yet—granted they really don’t need them because they are crawling, but during the winter it sure is nice to have them to make sure their toes stay warm. I am kind of picky with the shoes I buy and that doesn’t help either. I’ve seen a lot of shoes that I like, but I never could bring myself to pay for some little shoes that they’ll wear for a few months, plus I have to buy DOUBLE! So (yeah, I know, this is a really boring story) I went shopping a couple of times and just bought some shoes and socks and sandals and brought them home. The girls have 2 summer church dresses and I wanted to analyze the situation at home. I decided on the sandals.

Sunday morning we always try and race a particular family to church—I don’t think they know this—and it was time to go, so we rushed out the door and I was going to put the sandals on the girls in the van. Well, I did and they were too big! So, yeah, my girls had these cute Easter dresses on with no shoes, socks, nada. Their toe nails were painted though and they had cute bracelets on….so they weren’t totally neglected. I went to the store tonight and returned the bigger pairs and ordered the smaller ones. Plus I returned the socks and other two pairs of shoes I bought. They won’t have them for next Sunday because it will take about a week, week and a half to get them in. So they’ll wear socks again on Sunday. I do need to search around for some sneaker type shoes and sandals for summer. I definitely want them to be used to wearing shoes before they start walking…

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