Friday, April 17, 2009

Elden is 3 pounds 9.5 ounces. You may be getting bored with the weight and feeding updates, but it is exciting for me to know that he is growing! And of course his feedings were increased to 32 milliliters.

His brain bleed went away which is great. Though there may be another problem: PVL. PVL is a cyst that grows on the membrane on the outside of the ventricle??? (I think that is what the doctor told me.) Right now he doesn't have the cyst, but it looks like it could develop. The doctor said the cyst will form and stop growing and the only problem would be tightening of the muscles, so he would have to do physical therapy. But I will hope and pray that the cyst doesn't even form. Elden will have another ultrasound in 2 to 4 weeks to look at it again.

Some pictures of Elden yesterday. I thought he looked extra cute in the stripped onesie. I am sure it is a preemie size, but it's too big for him. He is build like his daddy.


Sarah and Todd said...

What causes the possibility of a cyst? I'll pray it doesn't show up too! He looks so sweet and little.

Mike said...

He looks so good! Good luck to adjusting to everyone (almost) at home.

CaraLee said...

Cute pictures!