Thursday, December 31, 2020

Birthday Time!

 Wow another birthday!  I'm grateful I'm still around to be with my family and see my kids grow up.  It's weird heading further into my 40s, but glad I have the chance to have this life experience. 

Before we jump in, some after Christmas photos.  Elden's been having fun with his bow and arrow. 

Shanna got in on it too, and Cal's been out there with his bow and arrow as well. 

Haley makes some delicious hot cocoa.  Which we've enjoyed many times.  Thanks Haley!

Elden has also been having fun with his drone and is getting better at flying it around.  

Deborah got us these cute signs for a hot chocolate area.  So cute!  I had fun putting them out Christmas day.  We bought some marshmallows the day after Christmas to complete the "look". 

Not a charcuterie board, but yumminess either way. 

My favorite Elden!  Life is great with him around.  He's such a joy. 

Haley is quite creative and made this homemade candle on a whim one night.  So cool! 

The Christmas ghost down the street....

On Monday after Christmas we all went to Hilendale Park to get a COVID test.  Fun that we all got tested for COVID in 2020!  A memory for the journal!  We wanted to travel to Pennsylvania for New Year's but couldn't go there with out a negative test result...cue finding a free COVID testing site for the whole family.  Thankfully we found one.  And we all tested negative.  YAY!

Haley has made crepes a couple of times and did them all by herself!  She's getting great in the kitchen. Elden helped her out one morning.  Something we like to put in our sweet crepes is pudding. 

Cal got out his telescope he recieved for Christmas.  He'll have to pull it out more often.  Maybe when it's warmer out? 

Such a pretty up-close veiw of the moon!

Haley strikes again...a fun Christmas tree picture she painted.  I need to have her paint two big paintings to hang in the family room during Christmas. 

Okay, my birthday did actually happen!  We were at home that day which was nice.  Normally we are celebrating with family and with my brother Darrell, whose birthday is the day before mine.  But I chatted with him on his birthday and he called me on mine which was really fun.  And then we saw him the next day for New Year's.  It's a big long party over the holidays!  And my dad's birthday is Christmas Eve!

Shanna did a cute set up of some little gifts for me and some homemade chocolate covered coconut balls.  YUM. 

Just a quick throw-in, Haley painted a box with a Magic theme. 

My sister Lena sent me some flowers!  I was not expecting this and it was such a fun surprise!  She also called me as well! My parents and Lee's parents sent cards and money which is always very fun and my parents called, along with my brother Darrell. I called him the day before on his birthday and then he called me the very next day on mine, which was very thoughtful.  One of my sisters also called me and left a message which I appreciated!  I was disappointed and upset that my other sisters didn't call.  They texted me happy birthday.  I had made a big effort for their recent birthdays.  I think birthdays are so fun and I like to get people little gifts and what not.  One sister I drove to her house to be with her on her birthday and brought her a gift. My other sister I did a day trip, fed everyone lunch and gave a gift.  Not that I need's just hard putting forth effort in a relationship even with my sisters and it's not really reciprocated. A little something more than a text would have been much appreciated. 

The beautiful flowers from Lena!

Lee got me some fun flowers as well, which I also was not expecting!

Shanna making more coconut balls because they're just so tasty. 

Clark did some work on his drone that day.  He is still having some issues with it but got some things resolved which was good!

I went on a jog that morning and watched Elden fly his drone for a little bit.  

The snowpile keeps living on!  Though at the time of writing it is now completely melted. Though the one at Lee's office is actually still there!

I picked up some Chinese takeout for my birthday dinner!

Time for the party which happened in two parts.  Elden refused to be in the picture. 

Shanna made this cute card.  

Amy got me a yummy Dove candy bar!  I love Dove dark chocolate.  So good. 

Lee gave me some earrings and a blue light for gel nailpolish.  I'm not sure what it's called!

We had an intermission with a Doctor Who movie and then had double chocolate cheesecake!  Lee did a great job baking it.  He put my candles in a piece of bread on top of my cheesecake. 

Amazing stuff. 

It was a nice day on my birthday. A handful of people contacted me through messages or texting that I wasn't expecting which was so thoughtful. I really enjoyed having just our family at home on Lee's birthday and wanted the same for my birthday.  It worked out great this year.  I think we'll do the same again next year.  And more partying to come!  We get to head to PA for New Years!  YAY!   

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