Monday, December 14, 2020

Gingerbread Houses!

Gingerbread house time! I love doing this every year, even with the work.  It was hard who to invite becuase we could only have 25 people at our house.  And now since December 14 you can only have 10 people together for social gatherings.  Thankfully it doesn't apply to church.  Though there was a mix-up and our area president thought when the social gatherings were restricted to 25 that included church as well. But we are back to church too.  One evening I made the gingerbread and Lee helped me with it.  Usually I make it during the day.  I think I'll have to keep making it at night.  It was fast to do with two people.

You cut the gingerbread with a "pattern" while the gingerbread is hot, thus the gloves. 

I did a mix of small houses and mini houses.

A Lego creation someone did.... Photos and movies are snapped and created on my phone all the time!

Since we knew about the upcoming 10 person mandate for our gingerbread get-together I decided to make it fancy. I wanted to have the Petersons and Rigbys join us for Christmas Eve dinner but that was cancelled because of the new adjustments.  We ate lasagna, romaine salad with tomatoes and cucumbers and garlic bread. Most of the kids went outside and didn't even sit at the table, haha.  But it looked pretty!

Angie and Rachel Harris came as well which brought our group to 21.

Someone's house....

Cal built a fun castle of sorts out of some scrapes and house pieces.

Shanna organized her room that night for some reason, haha. But it was fun to see the results!

Angie brought some gingerbread train and Santa kits when we did gingerbread houses.  She left two kits with us. The kids had fun putting them together on Monday. Plus Cal and Elden did a graham cracker creation as well. 

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