Tuesday, May 21, 2019

On Stage!

Lots of stage action in May!  We enjoyed the boys' high school band concert. 

And I went up to Jeff's dental school graduation in Baltimore.

I thought it was crazy, Sarah Al Moemen, going to Kuwait for an oral surgery residency.

Dr. Heit!  He and Lois did it!  After many years of sacrifice, he completed dental school!  So incredible.

We ate lunch at Edgar Allan Poe's burial site.  Till we were kicked out by the groundsman.

Louis L'Amour and Edgar Poe.  So fitting.

I also attended Jeff's swearing in as a Navy Officer with Lois and everyone.  Pretty awesome!

I saw this at a light on my way home.  Too funny!

More stage action continued at Clark's high school with an award's ceremony.

And not sure exactly what this picture is of.... But looking good Cal! Oh, haha, it just hit me.  It was Cal's first stake activity and dance!

This wasn't on stage but I helped with a big swap meet.  Not very many people came so we had a lot of things that we took to the Mercy House.

Last of all, the fun spring piano recital!  I enjoy going to the piano recitals.  Too bad Cal and Shanna aren't taking lessons.  It would be fun to have all five kids perform together at a recital.

The youngest, least experienced students play first.  The oldest, more experienced students play last.  Clark finally made it!

Nice work Haley, Elden and Clark!

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