Wednesday, January 31, 2024


Already halfway through January.  So crazy! Recently read this book and really enjoyed it.  I thought she commented a bit too much about the girl's camps she help run and lead...and she is wrong that death is the end, but other than that, loved it.  I love how Corrie ten Boom was a wonderful disciple of Christ in her everyday life! 

A cozy fireplace.  Always fun to turn on at night. 

See Elden?  See him in shorts? Ha ha. 

We got a little more snow!

Thrift store time!

Elden shoveling for Linda and Jennifer.  I didn't know it, but Elden loves to shovel!  

Fun food from a sales representative that came by Lee's office. 

Basement time.  We make the basement look nice, then make it messy again...over and over.  After the utility room is done, hopefully that won't happen much anymore! And still working on getting it approved for a short term rental. 

Winter photos. 

I got this for Clark and he obliged me with a photo.  I love puffer vests!

Elden getting in the miles on the OneWheel even in winter!

A trip to see Jackie!

Winter days....altering a jumpsuit into a jumper. 

January Shepherd is heading out on her mission and we stopped by to say hello before she left!  Also, that Sunday morning we went to her ward's sacrament meeting to hear her speak. She did a great job!

Some super oldies....I'm in the middle with a turquoise shirt on.  This is at Nutty Putty in Utah with cousins and some siblings.  

A postcard from Sheldon while he was on his mission in Italy. 

Clark in Memphis.  Such a cutie!

I went through some more papers in my file box and got rid of a ton.  I have one small file box for all my documents and then a firebox for more everyday things like titles, birth certificates, wills, and passports.  But no need to have file drawers!  One small file box does the trick!  Don't keep all that cluttler and paper.  And you only need to keep tax returns for the past 3 years.  Who knew?!  I thought it was 7! Double check at the IRS website to make sure.  I don't give tax advice, haha. 

I love that Haley likes to snuggle with Lee.  Shanna too. 

We went to a local council meeting about a sports complex being built.  Very interesting! The county will move forward with building the complex and many people, including our track coach, spoke in favor of it being built. 

Starting to paint the walls with Drylok! It's taking A LOT longer than I anticipated. 

Thankfully the back walls are the only ones that look like have had any problem with moisture over the years.  Since we bought this building a few years ago, we've had some heavy rains, but not once has any water seeped in. Here's hoping!

While I was painting we hired some people to come fix the light in the utility room and put in an outlet.  YAY!

Night time at the office!

The Dobby is getting closer to 300,000!!!

Night visit to the Richmond Temple!

Haley went the next day with the youth. 

Looks so much better! Time to put stuff away!

Sheldon bought me a mini Rummikub set for Christmas or my birthday. Can't remember.  Love this game!

The youth trip!

Four people in the backseat....

One Sunday evening we went to a concert that Kenneth participated in.  They sounded great!

I can't remember her name...but the lady on the left Clark taught on his mission.  Now her son (?) and husband were baptized. Very exciting!

This is her baptismal picture below. 

Elder Robertson asked for some of his drawings, so I emailed some to him. 

Wednesday night fun.

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