Thursday, January 18, 2024

New Year Fun

2024!!!  For a belated birthday dinner, we went out to eat at the Melting Pot.  We were going to go a year or so ago when Clark was on his mission, but one of the kids was sick that night so we skipped it.  We finally went.  Lee and I aren't foodies or fancy diners. This meal was way out of our normal price range, but it was very fun!

Clark did some scanning of old receipts and bills for Lee over the break.  It was fun seeing both of their bikes at the office. 

We busted open the Costco Monopoly!  So fun!!!

Haha, love the optical space!

Haley made a little clay succulent in art class.  It now graces the truck's dashboard. 

One wheel riding...this may be where Lee broke his foot? 

Clark pulled out his drone stuff over the break. 

My friend Monica--in the plum stripped shirt, put together a little birthday get together for me, which was so sweet of her!

Pointless, but when the toaster is done toasting and the bread pops out and lands on's a picture worthy moment!

Elden wanted a cake!

A project for the new year....clean out the utility room of the office basement, and get it painted.  It looks so much better.  AND we got rid of a lot of junk!

Completely out of order, but a cute photo of Serena and Shanna.

Lee noticed that there was extra water here...even more so than possible even with the rain.  He called the town. Yep, a busted pipe!

We headed up to PA for Serena's birthday!

Oldies....Clark on a pday in Japan.


Snow in PA!

I love this meal!

Sunday evenings....

I was cleaning out the Chevy...sweeping it with a handbroom.  A black fleck flew into my eye.  Can you see it?  I couldn't get it out so went to Lee's office.  Lee put a drop in my eye to numb it and it flushed it out haha. 

For an upcoming youth activity the youth are racing pinewood derby cars!

Another project almost done....the hallway bathroom closet! 

Paint works wonders!

Shanna is taking up the scanning project!

Setting up the track!

Sunday evenings!

Clark sent us updated pictures of his dorm room.  So fun!

Lee put up shelves for me in the closet! 

This world is so beautiful!

Elden's magic.

Later in January Elden, Haley, Blake and I met up with Stephanie to go skiing at Perfect North. 

In Ohio and Indiana the roads were crummy.  I haven't driven on roads like this for a long time. 

We made it to Steph's though!

Looking back, I should have found out more about Blake's skiing capabilities.  I didn't realize he didn't know how to ski. It was SO cold outside, and pretty miserable.  And him not knowing how to ski made it hard.  Next time I'll have to make sure some of his family is with him so he can stick with them. 

Perfect North had some fun runs though.  Elden and Haley also skied with Maggie, James and Stephanie, which I'm glad they did.  Maggie and James FLY down difficult runs!

On our way home...more crummy roads.  And of course both times it was at night with horrible roads!

Many hours on the way home, our windshield looked like this.  The window cleaner spray function wasn't working well. 

Lots of snow in West Virginia too. 

Got our Little Ceasars pizza in the snow filled parking lot (and drove down a super steep hill...thankfully it was plowed!) and finally made it to Virginia.  

Wow, snow in Virginia too!

Elden and Blake enjoyed sledding. 

Shanna and Haley did a quick trip to the slopes. I love the photos they took. 

Yep, I'm one of the ones who keeps their Christmas lights up way past Christmas day! We need to figure out some winter lights....I love them so much!

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