Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Birthdays and the New Year!

With Christmas over, but still in the "holiday" season, it means birthday time too for me and my brother Darrell!

Foggy, holiday night....

Sheldon and Ciera took Haley and Elden to Harrisonburg.  They ate at Bella Luna, then visited an antique/secondhand store. 

Darrell turned 50!!!  They had a fun party for him at his house.  We went up for the evening once Lee was done with work. 

On my birthday we went to the temple with the Bunkers and then to the Giving Machine in Richmond.  So fun that there was one in Richmond this year! Our friends the Players met us at the temple as well. 

Lil' Jimmy ordered himself a sign!

I wanted to go on a hike that afternoon up by Woodstock.  Darrell didn't tell me he was coming down for my birthday till the night of his party.  His birthday is the day before mine. And since my parents came down too, I didn't want to leave them for so long.  We just did a hike on some trails in our town. 

I was going to celebrate my birthday early this year, but realized that Clark would be home, so waited to celebrate with him. 

The temple that morning!

Eric and Elden slept outside that night....Brr!!!

We did another trip back up to Darrell's for New Year's Eve!  Lots of driving haha.  Had yummy food and played games!

I bought these Daruma dolls for us to use with our goals for the new year. 

Shanna and I made a dash to Lululemon for her to exchange a Christmas present. 

The Bunkers came back down and we did a little hike at Boone's Run. 

One night before Clark went back to BYU we went snowtubing thanks to our friend Kathy!  She got us free tickets!  It was really fun!

Haley received chunky yarn for a Christmas present and made this cute blanket. 

Snuck in some TimTam Slams too!!!

We had a fun "break"....always too crazy and busy! So nice to have Clark at home for the holidays.  

My nephew Ethan headed out to the MTC for his missionary training before going to Mongolia!!!

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