Monday, March 13, 2023

Elden is 14! Florida Camping!

Elden turned 14!  I love that my youngest is getting older and in high school!  Exciting times ahead for him. It will be sad when my kids all move out, but so exciting for them too.  4 more years at home!

The start of the cake.  Elden requested an ice cream cake this year. I decided to add an oreo layer. 

Time to sing and open presents!

I found this mini guitar on Amazon.  Elden created these mini personalized picks and I ordered them. 

Lil Jimmy loves chicken. 

His big present: an electric guitar!

Happy birthday Elden!  Thanks for being a champ and celebrating early! You are the best youngest child anyone could ask for.  You are a delight to have in our family. We're blessed to be with you for forever!  

Before Elden's birthday celebration we were busy packing for the cruise. But first we stopped in Florida to camp for the weekend before getting on the ship on Monday.

It's a bit extra work to go camping right before a cruise, but so much cheaper than getting two hotel rooms.  So we did the extra work!

Of course other events happened too...Shanna had a spring choir concert.  They were great!  Their choir really improved this year.

Exciting seeing new stuff go up in the office basement!

We drove to Florida Friday night and arrived Saturday afternoon.  We ladies got out nails done at Volcano Nails--do not recommend--and then we had some fun at the KOA.  Lena and Deb were able to get sites there as well! We camped by Ft. Lauderdale. It was fun to hang out for the afternoon and evening. 

Our site was right by the water. 

We keep an eye out for cool cars.  Elder Robertson sends pictures to us all the time of fun ones in Japan--we need to return the favor.  We saw this one by our campsite on our way to church. 

Not sure when these photos were taken...Saturday night or Sunday night.  But we had fun hanging out with each other. 

We talked about the message Elder Gong gave about the cairns. 

I love seeing the stuff Elden labels, and the labels he puts on the particular item. 

I talked to Cal about renting a golf cart for the weekend, but he wasn't interested.  

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