Saturday, May 28, 2022

Braces off for Cal + Boating!

Haha, a shot from church!  

The Elders came over one evening.  Elder Svedin, Elder Carlisle and Elder Naylor. We always love having them in our home!

Our first boat day of the year came!  It's SOOO fun being at Smith Mountain Lake.  We had a small group this go around which actually is my favorite. 

Tube rides and kneeboarding!

We also went to the bridge and stopped at Bridgewater Marina to see the fish.  It was fun going to the gift shop as well.  We've never been in it before. I bought Clark a Smith Mountain Lake hoodie. 

The boys track team got first in District and in Regionals!  Cal placed 1st in pole vault each time.  I think the girls got 2nd in District and 3rd in Regionals! Shanna got 3rd in the 4x100 relay at Districts! Then she got 6th (if we remember right!) in Regionals in hurdles.  Very fun!

Shanna, Haley and I got our nails done in preparation for Ireland and England!  WOO HOO!

Haha, our community center has electric charging.  Nice!  

I think like any renovation where you hire stuff out you have to be on top of things and ask for people to come back and fix stuff.  That's happened a lot with our building.  Like this piece of trim, ugh. 

In art Haley made a stamp of the Mecham Family crest.  These are some prints from the stamp.  I love them!

Here's the stamp.

Elder Robertson got to go to Japan!  AHH!!!  We are so excited for him!  He arrived May 25th! I've been keeping up on his blog with his weekly letters if you want to check it out.

Elden loving the riding lawn mower! He and Shanna love to mow the lawn at the office building. 

Cal and Haley did some scratch art in art class and wow, they turned out amazingly well!  Here is Haley's. 

I got a sweet picture of Cal at Regionals clearing the bar. 

Haha, new travel profiles.  Too funny.  

This necklace is pretty funny.  Jessie, my niece, and Cal were looking on my Amazon account saw this necklace for $4 something.  So he ordered it and sent it to me.  And he paid for it.  Haha, it was awesome. 

Cal got his braces off!  He got a sweet swag box too.  It was really fun, when Cal got out of the car and was walking up the sidewalk to the house, I opened the door and greeted him while he was walking up and he gave me a HUGE smile.  Before that I had noticed that he wouldn't show his teeth in pictures and he said he was waiting till he had his braces off.  True to his word, I got a toothy grin as soon as they were off!  They look great!

More painting!  It doesn't look like but Elden was singing Christmas Carols to Lee and Cal, haha. Lots of priming....lots of painting....hours and hours....

One night we went to see Shanna inducted into the Spanish Honor Society. Pretty fun!

End of the school year crazies!

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