Monday, February 28, 2022

Valentine's Day & More

Going through our stuff and storage there were lots of things to go through like old photos. Lee at the Missionary Training Center with his roommate Sam Sponseller and then two other guys.

Lee in Nicaragua!

Yum,  And FREAKY!

This was a letter Cal wrote to Clark.  I love the "return address". 

I've been braiding Shanna's hair and she's been learning how to braid her hair as well!

Haley had art work displayed at the JMU Memorial Building.  We swung by to see her art work.  Mr. Michael, their art teacher was there and got in on the picture.

We went to an art show at the high school before a musical.  We went to see Haley's art work.  As we were walking around we saw a picture that looked like something that Cal would draw.  We looked at the artist's name...and it was Cal!  Too funny.

Haley's art work! 

Something Shanna's also been liking is unbraiding her hair for some fun waves. 

I got this huge bottle at Old Navy for $1! I hope we like it. 

We picked up the carpet tile for the new office building!  And's not installed....

Elden's awesome socks from NYC.

I challeneged Lena to do 9 miles one day.  She actually went 10!

It was twin day at high school and Shanna asked Haley to be her twin that day, haha. 
More braiding!

 I patched up the thermostat spot.  I'm sure you can see it as the paint is off...I need to repaint the wall. Now we just need out electrician to come put the outlet in the closet so we can plug the internet wifi in the closet. 

The thermostat's new home!

Since we got rid of the computer cabinet and went through the cupboards we had quite the mess.  Took me a couple days to go through.  But it was sooo awesome!  I loved it!  I haven't been excited about a completed project like this for awhile it seems.  Felt great!

Donation pile!


Lee getting some help in the Celica from Steve Walker and Jim Hardin

A nice, winter day!

Elden's birthday list!

We went up to PA on a Sunday afternoon for Joseph's belated birthday visit. 

Valentine's Day!

I gave blood. 

We've been using the Oculus.  I was pretty awful the first couple of times.  Though I'm still not very good at it!

Our new rug!

Pizza for Valentine's Day.  Elden did a great job making it!

A couple things I found going through stuff. 

Me as a little girl in Hackberry.

Strawberries, vanilla pudding and whipped cream!

Elden at a duck pin bowling activity.

Yes....I spy snow on the ground outside! Did some little treats for Valentine's Day.

It was fun seeing the boxes people designed! Hope you all had a fun time! 

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