Saturday, August 21, 2021

Last Days of Summer Holiday

 I always hate to see summer vacation come to an end.  This was a big fall for us with Clark starting MTC at home and all the kids going back to school.  Plus Cal getting a job!  Clark kept working on his room and got it all packed up. 

We let him have two totes, as you see below. I'll do the same for the rest of my kids.  Even though he was at home for all of his missionary training, I still wanted him to sort through his things and "move out". I remember moving into my last bedroom at home and someone else's stuff was in there.  I had no idea what to do with it so I left it.  I've always wanted my kids to officially pack up and "move out", clearing out their room.  AND only keeping a limited number of things in storage.  Hence the two totes!

Clark snapped some pictures of his Lego creations.

Lee grew out his facial hair for several weeks.  Then he had fun one night with the kids doing a photo shoot as he slowly cut it off. 

Hi Frank.

Michael Weiler took Lee and Clark out to eat at a Japanese place.  Clark loved it.

This was pretty funny.

And can't forget Hershey Park! I think we have a new tradition to go here every year with the Bartholomew's. 

The date kept changing for Hershey Park day. In the end Lee couldn't come which was too bad. 

Elden's smashed Skittles.

YAY!  Elder Robertson's tag came!  Or in Japanese: Robotoson Churro.

His missionary certificate in Japanese. 

Getting in some bike rides. 

And car repairs.

We went to the Blue Ridge School which is always a fun ride.

Awww....brothers! I love that these three brothers love each other so much and get a long so well.

Tubing on Shenandoah!

Swimming at the Franklin, WV pool. They have $1 days.  Pretty sweet!

We had to go boating one last time before Clark was set apart as a missionary.  The Shepherds and Weilers joined us.  Well, some of them from each of their families.  On the way down a HUGE tree was in the road.  It put us an hour late.  Oh well. At least the Shepherds and us were stuck together. 

Clark and Benjy

We bought a knee board which have been really fun using. 

Ahhh...summer.  The best season of the year.  The night ended at the church parking lot in Waynesboro for a dance.  So Clark even snuck in one last youth activity.  He had fun visitng with his friends, as did the rest of my kids.  Elden, Lee and I hung out for a little bit and tracked down some food. One place the cashier was really nice, and the other place we went too the cashier wasn't.  Makes a big difference when someone says "what else would you like?" instead of the grumpy, "is that all?".  

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