Monday, November 23, 2020

Temple Rocks

We started getting ready for the holidays here with some baking!  For the past couple of years when I bake pies for Thanksgiving I go ahead and do them for Christmas as well.  It's so nice!!!

I recently heard that we could take a tour of the Richmond Temple construction site and bring some personalized rocks that will become part of the temple grounds--like under a sidewalk or parking lot.  We missed having our rocks being used in the temple foundation as our stake wasn't invited or knew about that.  Oh well. But we each made rocks to bring to the temple site and we signed up for a tour! Here are our rocks!

Near the temple construction site. 

The sister missionary pointed to the different parts of the temple and showed us where things would be like the baptistry and the celestial room. 

The kids' temple rocks!

After the "tour" of the construction site (we couldn't go on the actual site) we went to the temporary visitors' center and the sister missionary's husband did a presentation about temples and also about the design of the Richmond temple and its renderings.  We really enjoyed it. This couple is serving a mission from the groundbreaking of the temple to the dedication.  They minister to the construction crew, giving them cookies on "cookie Tuesday" and feed them lunch once each quarter. What a fun mission!  And of course they do the tours as well. 

Each of us recieved a little picture of the temple and then rocks and sand. The rocks represent us building on Christ which is a solid foundation, and the sand represents a weak foundation that you don't want to build on. 

Not sure what exactly is happening but a fun picture. 

Hanging out with Clark. 

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