Friday, November 13, 2020

Georgia Trip!

We still did a little traveling this fall!  One Sunday after church we headed to Pennsylvania for the afternoon.  I'm glad we did as now it's actually December and the restrictions are that you have to have a negative COVID test to go to PA now.  And next week in December when we could get tested for free we'll be out of town. Very sad.  I'll have to mail my presents to my parents and Darrell and family!

On the way up to PA we saw a double rainbow.  Pretty awesome!

Lee enjoying the motorcycle!

The kids pulled out Lee's slot car race track, Devil's Ditch.  Lee ordered some new parts to get it up to speed and running smoothly.

He recieve it as a toy when he was younger as a Christmas present when he was 10.

We took the kids to renew their passports!  It's kind of weird sending off their birth certificates.  The passport place took our to recieve the passports back.  I can't believe it's been almost 6 years since they got their first passports! I guess it was BYU day that day...except for Shanna.

We headed to Georgia the second week in November.  The cousins were excited to see each other!

It was nice and warm in Georgia. I loved it!  The first full day there, a Saturday, the boys rode to a card shop, Camden Battlegrounds. 

Shanna stayed home from the trip and helped Lee get the table out of the playroom.

Saturday night down in Georgia we watched Toy Story 4 in the theater. It was a cute movie and I hadn't seen it yet. 

I found some cute pjs at Sam's Club!  I had just bought some online that morning, but was able to cancel the order.  Whew.  We've been getting Christmas pjs for a few years now. I was thinking about using our old ones for Christmas this year, but decided not to since it's Clark's "last" Christmas home.
This must be a picture from Lee's bike ride while we were gone...

The kids had fun with the perler beads and made a few creations. I even made two characters from "Among Us".

Lois bought a bunch of different apples and on Sunday night we had carmel apples and an apple tasting contest of sorts.  

There is a fun screened-in back porch at Lois' and one night I was out there talking to someone for Relief Society and saw a little frog. I told Haley to come out and she caught it. 

More perler bead action!

The Heit kids' grandma sends them comics and the kids love to read them.  Mine too!

We started ordering Christmas gifts and we've been getting a lot of packages!  Apparently a lot came while I was gone!

Monday night was game night!

Tuesday night Cal and Reed went to Camden Battlefield for a Magic battle.  There were some classic toys there from when I was a kid.

I remember really wanting a popples when I was a kid and my cousins had them.  But I never got one.  And that's okay.

Back at home Lee grilled some pork.

We stayed an extra day in Georgia and wen to the beach in Florida.  Florida is about 15 minutes from Lois' house. I loved that we could drive on the beach!  That was really fun.

On the way home I stopped in Richmond to do a couple errands, like pickup 35 boxes of chocolate covered peppermint Joe Joes.  We swung by the temple site.  It is so fun seeing the progress of the temple!!!

1 comment:

Deb B said...

Ahhh, to go to the beach.......