Sunday, September 13, 2020

School COVID Style

School eventually came, though this year was awesome because the kids didn't start till September 10th!  So glorious!  

I did a quick trip to Raliegh to see my nieces before they headed off to Idaho for college.  On the way down I saw the exit for Staples Mill Road near Richmond and thought of the temple site.  I couldn't pass up seeing it!  I had to do a little backtracking but it was cool seeing the Richmond Temple site!

I loved visiting with Ila, Lizzy, Amy and the rest of their family!

The last day of summer break I met my friend Katherine outside of Charlottesville at Walnut Creek Park.  There is a little lake there and some hiking trails.  We walked to a creek where the kids played for a little bit. 

Can you spot the fun craft Haley made to float down the creek?

Later that afternoon I met up with a guy to discuss a service project with the city of Harrisonburg that our church congregation (ward) was to participate in.  Then Shanna and Haley and I headed to my friend's apartment so we could start cleaning it. 

AND.....the sadest day of the started! 

I baked cinnamon rolls for breakfast--almost a traditional back-to-school breakfast. 

I also made a fun lunch that the kids loved. 

We've had some hiccups with Zoom, but thankfully we knew a little bit about it before the school year started since we had used it somewhat often during the summer. 

Another fun lunch on a different school day (of course!).

Overall school is okay online.  It's great having the kids home but they are on their computer a lot and it's not fun when the teachers contact me that some of my kids haven't turned in homework assignments which reflects poorly on their grade. 

The service project happened that I mentioned early.  For a few years our ward cleans up the Blacks Run River in Harrisonburg.  Every year they find lots of garbage! Lee and the kids hung out while I made a quick trip to Stephanie's for her birthday. 

That afternoon the kids enjoyed the car show in town.  Clark was able to go there during his work lunch break. 

Meanwhile in Indiana.... I got to see Maggie play in her soccer game.  We went to James' game but he never played.  We sat on the sidelines and talked. 

Steph and Andy's friend Joe brought over yummy donuts for the big day. 

That afternoon we went to a bike park which was fun.

I left around 8pm and made it home.  I stopped a couple hours from home to sleep at a gas station.  But I made it back! It was fun celebrating with Stephanie and seeing her family. 

Treat for a Sunday night!   I love this fake toffee recipe. So yummy. 

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