Monday, June 8, 2020

Summer Break COVID Style

School officially ended....even though since March 13th it basically ended and was all just extra credit.  For the first summer holiday trip we camped at Smallwood State Park in Maryland with Lois and kids.  We brought Cal's friend Christian Peterson along for the fun. 

Shanna had her own tent as well as the older boys and then Haley, Elden and I shared a tent.

See Cal scratching his neck?  He went camping with the Heits and got into some poison ivy.  He had a horrible time with the itching that same night.  He was utterly miserable. Probably his worse pain so far that he can remember.  We were able to get him some medicine and he felt better the next day.  

We love foil dinners but usually Lee cooks them.  Well I cooked them  in the fire and they turned out great!

Down the road and across a bridge is a fun dock and then a playground. 

And LOTS of frogs!

I think both nights they basically went frog/toad hunting.  I guess actually toads were more plentiful. But they found oodles of them!

While we were out camping, Lee made some awesome burgers for himself and Clark. 

The next day we went to Nanjemoy reserve park or something like that.  The Heits have dubbed it shark tooth beach (any probably the others in Maryland).  You can find tons of shark teeth there. And sometimes megladon teeth as well. 

We found a new favorite meal for camping....chicken tacos!  Love the canned shredded chicken from Costco.  The meal took about 5 minutes to prep and then we were ready to eat!

They had fun drinking Nesquik and playing games. 

Love these bike picture shots Lee takes. Here is one of them.  It's so pretty here!

Elden had a fifth grade drive-by. We opted for bikes.  He got to see his 5th grade teachers and received a little gift bag of goodies too.

Can you spy Clark?!

Elden with his goodies.

Lee took the boys to get an end of school slurpee.  I though Cal's face mask was pretty funny. 

We've gone on a few hikes this summer.  I need to keep the kids busy!  

We had our first testimony meeting on Zoom which was really nice.

 My kids and their Daddy time!

I hope your summer started off right even with COVID!

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