Saturday, June 27, 2020

Sister's Trip--Iowa

Lois, Steph and I all ventured up to Iowa.  Deb got a pool this summer as well, which the kids enjoyed!

We went to Hobby Lobby to get t-shirts for the kids to paint.  I thought it was cute how aware Rhett was to follow the rules of having a mask.  He didn't have his so he did his best. So cute. 

More pool time!

T-shirt time!  Deb's place is the arts and crafts mecca for my kids.  They love doing fun things there.  

Nesquik love is still strong.

The kids had a lot of fun with their dogs Artemis--below, and Snowy, their other dog.

I decided to drive our car to Indiana to save money on fuel.  Sadly that meant not bringing out bikes.  Next time we head out to Indiana and Iowa I want to bring them.  There was a fun BMX track near Deb's house.

Deb lives near a fun trail that goes along a creek.  An afternoon walk there.  The mosquitoes loved us!

In the meantime, Clark bought his first car!  A 1989 Toyota Celica.  He's been working on it with Lee and learning a lot.

Playing at a park and the flooded area...

Lee was gifted some turkey eggs to cook up like chicken eggs. He said they tasted like....regular eggs!  Just a lot bigger!

On our final day in Iowa-a Saturday-we left early that morning to head to West Virginia for a family vacation.  Thanks Deb for the great time!

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