Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Happy 15th Birthday Cal!

Happy Birthday Cal!  He had a two day celebration which is always fun.  We celebrated on Monday with just us.  Then on his actual birthday, on a Tuesday, family and friends joined us.  Oh and Clark got his wisdom teeth out.  Hopefully Cal will be getting his learners at 15 and a half--which is standard age in Virginia.  Pretty exciting!

First up a family party. 

Cal recently got into the card game of Magic and loves playing it with his cousin Reed and his friend Christian.

Nesquik still lives on!

His collection that needs to go....

And a big berry Haley found!

My kids love getting cards from their grandparents. 

That evening I worked on his Nesquik cake.  

Complete with Nesquik flavored whipped cream.

I used a stencil Cal cut out for me.  I wish I would have taken more care with his name and the number 15.  Not my favorite cake.  But the symbol turned out pretty well. 

On Cal's actual birthday Clark got his wisdom teeth out that morning.  It was really quick! Clark was quite loopy--in a happy way--on the way home.  He kept wanting me to take videos of him and he wanted me to stop by his friend Dan's house. I told him no, we had to go home.  On the car ride home he looked at me and said in a goofy voice "My sanity went---wooop!  Right out the window!" while he pointed at his head and the mimicked pulling the sanity out of his head and flinging it out of the window with his finger.  

Darrell and Lois and families and the Peterson's were here to celebrate Cal's birthday.  Plus, a big bonus was having my parents here as well!  I should have snapped a picture of Cal and them!

Best times are family times!

At some point Cal proceeded to open presents with his socks.  He had left them at Lois' house and she wrapped them up.  Cal found them in the above HUGE wrapped box.  

And his jacket he left at Lois'!

Happy Birthday Cal!  We sure love you and are grateful we can be your parents!  You are creative, easy-going, hardworking, and always striving to do your Priesthood duties! 

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