Thursday, December 12, 2024

Christmas Around the World--Clark on Stage

Our friend Rachel was baptized! It was a very exciting day. 

After church we went up to Lois' and we all wore pj pants.  

This car and trailer were decked out. 

We celebrated Blake and Luke's birthdays. It was a great evening. 

PJ picture!

I had fun putting together Christmas packages for some nieces and nephews and Clark. 

These are some gift boxes I bought at Manards. They're awesome. 

My friend Connie taught me how to make Pansit.  We love that dish!  I took pictures of the ingredients and the noodle package.  I bought some noodles in Richmond at a store.  

Love seeing the Christmas decor. So fun the gas station has some!

When I work at the temple I normally wear Cal's slippers to the car and then put my shoes or boots on right before we go into the temple.  I grabbed my boots and brought them downstairs....and forgot them there.  I was so embarrassed!  I went straight to the bathroom in the waiting room and put on my while temple slippers and shoved these in my temple bag.  They don't even fit me! Then when I left the temple I went to the entryway where there are doors to the outside and doors to the temple with my white slippers on.  In the entryway I took off the white slippers and put the ill-fitting slippers back one.  Someone gave me a look when I walked into the entryway with the white slippers.....

We're headed to Utah again!  Looking forward to seeing Clark perform in Christmas Around the World. The girls got their nails done. 

Caroling at the nursing home!

I saw this from a YouTube channel and thought it was cute so I made some!

One Wednesday when Lee and I were working that the temple, one of his team members, Teresa, folded the towels and rags and made the beds! It was so sweet of her!

Always a great day at the temple!

We went to A Christmas Carol this year. We haven't been in awhile.  It was SOOO good! They tweak it a little every year and this one by far was our favorite. 

I found this fun game where you section off the a table and put prizes on the sides.  You roll a can down the middle and where the can stops, you get the prize!  We're going to play it Christmas day. Super excited!

Off to Utah! 

We got to Salt Lake and decided not to see Clark that night. He was busy anyway. We ate at Harmon's then met my mission companion-Kristin-at City Creek. We walked over and saw the lights at Temple Square. 

So fun seeing Kristin!

We spent the night at Roger's.  We got up early the next morning and did baptisms at the Orem temple.  Then off for some breakfast goodies. 

We hung out at Clark's apartment and got Korean food for lunch. 

Saw my cousin Grant and his wife Sandra at the BYU Bookstore!  So fun!

A cousin to Clark's car.

That evening we met up with Roger, Sharon, Lexi and Riley at a Japanese restaurant. The waiter was being really weird with Shanna.  I should have told him to just leave her alone....

This cute couple was at the restaurant and we paid for their dinner secretly. 

We had some time to kill before going to the performance so we went to the mall to walk around. We entered in the Dillard's entrance.  Roger popped out and said "Welcome to Dillard's". It was hilarious!

Leaving the mall was CRAZY. Tons of traffic.  Made it just fine to the Marriott Center though. A little family history game for free candy....

I invited my cousin Holly to come with us and I gave her and extra ticket, which she had her mom use.  So that was really fun!  Then Holly spotted our cousin Dana that was working that night at the Marriott Center. SO FUN!

Clark all ready for his Scottish dance!

I've always heard of Christmas Around the World since my BYU days, but never went. I figured it would be too expensive to go. The tickets even for us were only $15 ish.  And this was 2024, not 2001. Haha.  I am sure I could have afforded to go.  The ideas we get in our minds sometimes...

A bit of the program. 

Clark performed in this:

He also performed in the Bali dance. That was super fun!  He did a great job in both of them. He's really enjoyed being in folk dancing. His folk dancing class was specifically to practice for this production. It sounds like over 100 girls tried out for the class, but only about 15 or whatever got it. Clark tried out but basically all the guys got a spot. 

After the performance we went to the Twisted Cow for dessert. We waited for Clark because he had to wrap up stuff before meeting up with us. 

I think the crew with Roger were wiped out. 

Still can tie a cherry stem into a knot in my mouth!

This was funny....

We said goodbye to Clark and flew out early the next morning to Vegas.  Lee got these amazing photos!

We had quite a long layover in Las Vegas. We rented a car to go to church.  That was my whole plan though...the flights had to work out so we could attend church. We stopped at the first car rental place but they said we couldn't rent the car because we didn't have a credit card for a damage deposit. So we got a shuttle over to a different car place and walked through a random parking lot.... They said we couldn't get one either because we weren't renting for 3+ days. Ught. We went back to the car rental place--though of course different company. I knew we could rent with Dollar with a debit car. We found a car and were off to church. Whew. And we weren't late. 

After church we enjoyed our random food of ramen and whatever else in the church kitchen.  

The Relief Society handed out yummy brownies and cake pops for the birthday treat that I guess they do once a month. They were from Sam's Club. YUM!
On our way back home again!

Advent calendar time!  I guess the animals can't contain their excitement for Christ's upcoming birth!

We have a Lego one too. 

Shanna received the sportsmanship award for Cross Country!

Fun goodies for families we minister to. Love putting together little things like this....

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