Saturday, July 27, 2024


Here we are again!  Another year of camp.  It was Shanna and Haley's last YW camp and they had a great time. 2023 camp wasn't so great for Shanna, so I was happy this year turned out better.

Shanna with her group she led as a YCL--youth camp leader. 

Haley with her YCL partner, Mary.  

Finding our who their girls are!

First night at camp we were in charge of making our own meal. The girls decided on walking tacos. YUM!

Shanna's cowboy hat made it! Also, we were at Camp Shenandoah again this year. I think we might be camping here indefinitely for youth camps. 

Some ward free time. 

Shanna, Emma Hartman and Haley. Emma was a YCD this year--Youth Camp Director. 

Girls and leaders and staff from our ward! Haley, Mallece, Annabella, Abbie, Faith, me, Shanna, Sylvia, Vivian, Rebekah, Lydia, Emily, Kristy, Sofi

Gaga time!

Brenda Wright led the food staff again this year.....YAYAYAYAY!  She's amazing and keeps us well fed with delicious food. 

Haley and Mary on the lake. 

Skit night.  They are always fun and interesting. 

2nd full day!  This morning at the flag ceremony Kim Hartman from the 2nd ward gave a great talk and call to action for the girls to be proud of their country, show respect and salute the flag during the Pledge of Allegiance. It was beautiful what she said and sad that she had to say anything.  

The campwide activity one night led us to the Tree of Life. I thought it turned out great. I stood at a check point and read a script that Emma had written. I thought I had pictures but there was a big snake out that evening!  A few of the adults caught it. During each day we had adult training which I really enjoy! 

Ward time back at camp with the Bishop. I was hoping we'd do a testimony meeting but we didn't...

During this time Clark helped his second cousin with a Pioneer Day drone show and earned about $200. Pretty sweet for one night!

The last day of camp the girls went to different classes, their choice. Then there was a campwide gathering at the end. 

The YCLs and the 3 YCDs! Brooke, Ila & Emma

Shanna with her other YCLs

Me and my girls! So crazy this is our last camp together. I haven't been to every one, and 2020 it was just virtual. Fun to be with them at this camp--my 3rd one with them. 

While we packed up to leave the boys set up their stuff for this year's Aaronic Priesthood Quorum camp. 

The second late afternoon of camp was interesting for the boys.  Elden brought his machete, which he shouldn't have done.  He and some of the young men chopped down sapling trees by their campsite.  And of course they shouldn't have done that but it seems like a very boy thing to do.  The big problem for me is that no adult leaders were at their camp when they should have been.  And there should have been two.  Definitely not happy about that! I've said my piece about it, but I'm brining it up again next summer.... Even with all the talks and the extra service, Elden still had a great time. 

One morning Haley and I helped with Christmas in July for the Salvation Army at the Dayton Market. 

Ellen Karren showed up with her kids for the next shift and we ended up chatting the whole time. 

Haley with Abby and Eve. 

Atticus and Teddy joined them too. 

Lee joined them Thursday evening. 

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