Thursday, November 30, 2023

Thanksgiving 2023!

Snap---the holidays are here!  Thanksgiving is around the corner and it's time to make pies for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  I love that pies freeze and thaw so well.

Time to deck the house too!

Haley made an awesome pumpkin roll.

Working on the basement too.  We are hosting Thanksgiving here!

We did a pie night at the church for whoever wanted to come.  We had a small crowd, but it was fun!

I started getting gifts together for Lee's team members. I have a goal to get gifts purchased and sent out by December 1st.  Pies, holiday decorating and Christmas cards done before Thanksgiving. Now I just need to wrap all the presents before Dec 24!

I got the tables all set for Thanksgiving!  A friend was wondering how late I would stay up that night. I figured I'd be in bed before midnight.  I went to bed well after 2am.  

Lee made the turkey this year and combined two recipes.  He loved how it turned out!  I did too, but I'm easy to please with long as it's cooked haha. 

Reed learning to drive the stick shift!

Daniel took our motorcycles for a spin!

Snacks before the feast!

Darrell & Stacie and family came, Daniel, Amy & Anthon, Lois & Jeff and family, my parents, the Petersons, the missionaries and my friend Kimberlene. The Peterson's thought we were eating a couple hours later.  I called them after we waited about a half hour and they weren't even ready to come.  I said to just come, no worries! Dinner was late but we were all there!

Black Friday shopping with Amelia!

And cousins!

Reed works at Tropical Smoothie Cafe in Maryland.  So the kids hit it up during shopping. 

A cool piece of wood Haley found. I love how much she loves nature!

We all took a trip to the Natural Chimneys.  So fun!

Loved seeing the shopping haul!

Girls' night at the basement haha. 

Haley rode with Lee to church on the motorcycle. 

Finding cute ornaments!

Yep, the holidays are here!  Fun decor and lots of family. So fun. 

Our friend Jerry at church gave this Elder Robertson--he wants us to save it for him.  So sweet!

Haley's Christmas bedding!

Last year I had candy in this container all through the one ever opened it or anything.  I put candy in it again, and wondered how long it would take the kids to find it.  I thought it would be weeks.  Nope.  They remembered from last year and found it the same day or next day. haha. 

Shanna is going to cut her hair!

Yes, it was quite the night at the Robertsons!

Elden snapped this great photo of the moon with my phone. 

Our Christmas card.  I don't really like it, but it's fine.  Next year!

Haley up to baking magic!

Haley got her first job out of Lee's office!  She'll be working at the ski and snowboard rental shop. I'm very excited for her!

So fun seeing Haley's Wall-E!

Concert night for Elden and Haley!  Yay!

Loved seeing Elden and Haley playing next to each other. 

Track awards at the high school.  We spotted Cal!

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