Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Adventures Continue...

Shanna finished another cheer season! She enjoyed it but might not do cheer next year. 

Shanna has the school record for indoor track pole vault!

Lots of leaves.  Thankfully Elden can go after school and rack leaves everyday. 

Our friend Kathy gave us some tickets for zip lining!  It was fun and very thoughtful of her!

Okay, time to paint this door!

So much better!  I thought about getting rid of this door, but it looks just fine!

Our hallway pantry closet.  I couldn't remember why I took this photo at first.  But I did remember!  It's my linen closet as well.  I do have extra blankets in the family room--couch blankets, and then I have a couple more upstairs.  But these are all the extra linens I have.  No need to have a closet full of sheets and blankets that you aren't using!  Get rid of them! My two small piles work just fine. We just wash our sheets and put them right back on the beds. 

Sunday wrestle time. 

Flying time too. 

Elder Robertson's mission plaque arrived!

Tried out the chocolate, chocolate chunk croissants. They tasted the same as the others!

For kindness day, Krispy Kreme gave a free dozen donuts to each person.  We arrived before they opened so we could grab donuts before seminary. It was early, but fun!

Game time!

The couch is looking cozy!

What a great man!

Such a beautiful valley.

Shanna did a food tasting activity for young womens.  

One of the ladies in the office made a copy container just for me!

More basement!

Lee finished up the trim!  Time for me to finish sanding the nail holes, the caulk and paint!

The Dobby!

Had to send this picture to my nieces who worked at Karns and are at BYU-I.

If you're by a Karns you're in PA!  Elden and Liam did a little cleanup for my parents. 

And they went to a dance as well. 

We stayed for church as well.  Serena did a great job during the primary program!

Fun Sunday school lesson too. 

I also help set up Christmas stuff for my parents. 

This return vent gets dirty way too often!

Ahh...much better.

There was a Thanksgiving music performance at a nearby church. I was sad to miss out because I lost my voice pretty much and couldn't sing.  Lee and Haley still went though!

Haley painted this for the basement.  Love it!!!

More loves for Dad. 

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