Tuesday, October 10, 2023

25th High School Reunion!

We did a little hike one Saturday out to Natural Chimneys.  I had never been and it's only about 40 minutes away. The hike was probably only 5 minutes, so Shanna was happy about that. 

I got some free tomatoes from a house giving them away a street over. Salsa time!!!

A fun fruit loop candle haha. 

I got the tile grouted and Lee started putting up the glass door trim.

He installed the faucet and handle too. 

We enjoyed seeing the City County showcase one evening.  We saw Aidan and Sofie Webb perform. 

Shanna and Katelyn after Shanna's cheer practice. 

A house near us decorated for Halloween.  The creepy dancing ghosts haha. 

After a cheer competition!

Working on the basement still!

I made a cake for our 21st anniversary.

Flowers, treat and a card from Lee!

We were talking about how people have animal statues in their yard and then we talked about how it would be creepy to have a human statue in your house.  After we were at the temple one morning, we drove by this boy statue.  Too funny. 

Basement work. 

Lee and I headed to Minnesota for my 25th class reunion and a little anniversary trip. 

We spent a day in Minneapolis.  We went to a church and the Como Zoo.

Too bad the freeze price isn't the fuel price!

Pictures from the Como Zoo and arboretum. 

We also went on a little walk and saw this lighthouse. 

Dinner at a Mexican restaurant!

That night we went to the temple and swung by to say hi to Ila quick.  We got to see their new apartment too. Zack was at work. 

The next day we head to Southwest Minnesota.  We stopped by the Jeffers Petroglyphs.  I've heard of them, but had never been there as a kid. 

Shanna sent me pictures of homecoming corsage prep with her and Katelyn. 

It was fun walking out by the petroglyphs.  Some were hard to decern. 

Here is the house on Bedal St in Walnut Grove!  I was born in Dawson, Minnesota and lived there till I was about 2.  Then we moved back to Minnesota the end of my 8th grade year.  I graduated high school there, and my parents still lived here after my mission and after I was married.  They moved soon after to North Carolina. 

Not very many of us at the reunion, but strange and fun to see these people!  Joe, Tyson, Megan, Jenna, Nate, Eric, Jason, then Cheryl, me,  Rusty, Sara, some lady that a lot of people know and looks familiar to me, and Pam.  There were a couple more as you'll see below.  I thought we had 60 something in our class, but only about 50 people in our graduating class.  Crazy! 

Joining us in this picture is Jason, Jackie and John. The reunion was out at a vineyard outside of Westbrook.  We had salad and pizza for dinner and everyone but me and Lee had alcohol to drink, haha.  We visited with people and just talked about what we've been up to and kids and such.  Tyson's wife is an optometrist so it was fun to chat with her and Tyson about that. We left about 10pm. And I forgot my water bottle there.  I didn't want to go back and get it.  Someone dropped if off at Peggy's house and she mailed it to me. Haha.  Again, a bit weird, but really fun.  I'm glad I went.  I even had a cold sore. ugh.  That was so annoying!!!

Lee and I spent the night with our friends Jim and Peggy Klasse.  It was so fun to see them.  Oh, also

We had a nice time going to the Marshall Ward.  It was Fast Sunday, so people can get up to share their testimonies.  I thought about getting up, but didn't.  Right when the meeting was supposed to end, the Bishop, my friend Jordan who is two years younger than me, got up and asked me to share my testimony. It was pretty funny. He said that I used to lived in the branch (ward) and talked briefly about me still being strong in the church. 

One of the counselors is Jordan's good friend, Cameron Lindquist.  Here we are with him. 

We have a similar picture of us three in the MTC like this.  It was fun that we got to be there together. 

The black dirt of Minnesota! After church we went to Erin (Bennett) Hadfield's house to talk with Rhonda Bennett and she fed us lunch. Erin and her husband Zach were at a BYU game and Randy was with them too.  Erin had no clue we would be at her house.  Hopefully she didn't mind too much! We had a fun visit and then took off for the airport. 

It was crazy...a guy that we noticed in Baltimore flew to Minneapolis.  We noticed him because he left his bag unattended in the waiting area by the gate. He was on the same flight back to Baltimore as well!  So crazy!  Busted out a Japan snack! 

Haley's homecoming dress!

Some of her artwork!

Getting the rest of the bathroom pulled together. 

Going through some stuff. 

The stake patriarch came one evening to speak with the youth--my idea!  It was great.  I hope the youth appreciated it as well. Kristy and Lydia did a trivia game beforehand. 

Office visitors!  

Love apple crisp in the fall! With our own apples too!

While we were gone we got the doors bricked in! 

A beautiful evening. 

Caulking time!

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