Saturday, September 16, 2023

Lee's birthday + Summer fun!

I arrived home in time for Lee's birthday, after bringing Clark out to BYU.  I kept a blog of Clark's mission letters.  When he was done with the mission letters I uploaded his blog onto Pixxibook and a few clicks later had these nice books!  It was just over $100 per book, but very worth it for me! 

With Clark gone, Haley could finally move into the boy's room and Elden moved into Haley's room.  Elden was sleeping out in the living room for several months while Cal was home.  We were going to make him a mini-room up in Shanna's room, but then Elden didn't want that so he ended up roomless for about 8 months so Cal could have his own room during his senior year. 

Time to celebrate Lee's birthday!  Sadly I can't remember what he did that day.  He went on a bike ride though. 

Shanna went to the temple that morning with her friends. 

Clark left some thoughtful notes...just can't decipher all of it! 

After church we went to Smith Mountain Lake State Park and camped.  The next day we went boating with the Petersons. 

Labor Day boating!  Last boating of the sad!

We started getting more of the basement put together!

Apples from our tree!  YUM! 

Lee finished up tiling the shower so now it's my turn to grout it.  It took me a few days, but I got it done. 

We had a youth temple trip in September. After we got donuts.

We stayed in Richmond so we could go to Gracie Peterson's baptism.  We hung out at Brown's Island.  A fun spot to check out in Richmond. 

After we went out to eat with the Peterson's and David's parents, Richard and Patti to celebrate David getting tenure at JMU. Now I can't remember the restaurant's name!

Homemade ice cream!

A fun unplanned photo opp. 

For an end of summer activity we made apple dumplings at our office basement with the young women. Used apples from our tree as well!  It would have been fun to wait for fall, but the apples said no. 

Clark is all moved in to his apartment!  He really likes his roommate, Jacob.  The first week of classes was really rough, but he decided to stick with them and found some great tutors on campus. 

Elder Robertson finished up at the MTC and now is in Tacloban! He is speaking a different language than what he was working on in the MTC.  His first area is by the mission home and his trainer is Elder Zaragoza. He briefly met Elder Bosley....he and Elder Bosley used to be in the same ward in North Carolina when they were toddlers! 

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