Monday, April 10, 2023

HAPPY EASTER! Basement updates!

Spring is upon us and it's starting to get a little warmer outside.  At the condo in Florida we found a horned strawberry, haha. 

We're busy with the basement, school, hanging out with family....all the good stuff.  Shanna is picking out new glasses too. 

Elden snagging some new shades. 

And big news....Cal's mission call came!!! We gathered people together that night and he opened his call. Tacloban, Philippines! He starts July 19 and will go straight to the Manila MTC, Cebuano speaking. He will miss seeing Clark by 4 days! Here is the video.

Other news here.....the IKEA kitchen came!  It was a huge order and will live in our house for awhile till we can bring it to the basement. 

A mishap on the assembly line. 

For a youth activity night the kids played human foosball. 

Lots of boxes....

And fun idea for a trip....

The kids had a day off and we went to IKEA to get some other kitchen stuff and then also went to the Woodstock tower for a mini hike. 

Spring sprung!

We had a fun ward Easter party at a park...a bit chilly, but fun.

We were really tempted to buy this golf cart.  But we decided to wait till the basement is done and we need to save money for a new vehicle too. The suburban is on its way out. 

Lee added more lights to the optical upstairs (an extension to the ones that you can't really see, haha) and we got rid of the Ray Ban display case.  Sadly it's at home right now, but we'll get rid of it when Elden leaves home. 

Drywall is going up in the basement!

I got rid of the fuzzy bunny baskets and I wish I hadn't.  I got on a decluttering kick when it wasn't the holidays, and since Christmas, and now Easter have rolled around, I'm sad I got rid of those things!  I just bought some cheap buckets and did some treats for the kids.  We hid them and they each had to find them.  

Happy Easter!  Right after church we headed up to PA to be with family. I love the flowers Haley gathers in the spring. 

Easter walk!

We also went to the Appalachian Trail for a little bit.  It's about a half hour from Darrell's house and quite a nice, lazy path. Perfect for a Sunday walk.  

The boys found a snake and Serena's face is classic. 

Hope you had a great Easter! We are so thankful for Jesus Christ and his infinite, eternal atonement. 

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