Saturday, September 25, 2021

Temple Trip!

 Squeezing more fun in before the weather goes south! Elden having fun at the tennis courts.  I'm sure Elder Robertson was there too!

One night we had soup and rolls for dinner. To be fun I jazzed up the table even though it was a simple meal. 

Elder Robertson tinkering with his car when he has some downtime!

Elder Robertson, Cal, Elder Lake and Elder 

Shanna making homemade ice cream!

Some of the kids Sunday afternoon. They didn't make it long.

Before they slept....

Lee, Clark and I had a nice trip to the Philadelphia temple.  On the way home we saw the DC temple on the 495.  I love seeing that temple!  It's been closed for renovations for a few years and will open up the spring of 2022 for public tours before it's dedicated. 

Elden has been loving puzzles.  He finished this one of Temples of the USA.  Not all of the temples, but several of them.  He had help too. 

Lee and I celebrated 19 years of marriage!  We are going to go to Utah for a family reuion with his siblings and parents so we didn't do a whole lot for our anniversary.  But we did go golfing (I drove and watched) and had some double chocolate cheesecake!

Lee surprised me with these beautiful flowers!

Cal ordered some banana Nesquik powder and a vintage Nesquik shirt.  Pretty awesome, haha. 

Haley had a piece of her art selected to be displayed at the county school administration building.  Pretty awesome!

Clark's missionary gift from the Weilers and a note from Henry.

Lake, Robertson and

The Bells dropped off some fun snacks and food from Japan for Elder Robertson.

This is a card to Cal from Reed.  Pretty funny.

Fun article!

We love our PA trips!

Cal got a job!  Woo hoo!

When also went to the temple on Raliegh and did sealings with Sam, Shawna and Amy.  After Sam took us to World Market and bought Elder Robertson some fun Japanese food and snacks.  This here is a kit where you make your own gummy candy.  But in savory food form.  Like, gummy candy chicken.

A World Market impulse buy.

Out of order but this is at World Market. 

Temple sealings!

There was a car show in our town that same afternoon I believe.  We headed down for a little while.

On a walk that night we found a toad! 

I was thinking about doing copies again at the elementary school but never reached out to any teachers. Well, one reached out to me!  I make copies for 5 teachers.  But usually 4.  I haven't been able to help since COVID struck, so it was fun to go back to make copies and see my friends there!

Donuts!  Krispy Kreme gave out free donuts in 2021 to all who were vaccinated.  We got them several times. 

Homemade caramel and apples from our tree!  We had a ton of apples this year.  Sadly they rotted quickly on the tree. But we were able to enjoy a lot of them. 

Wow, fall is officially here.  I'm sad summer is over!

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