Friday, April 23, 2021

Clark's Mission Call!!!

 Clark's tennis season started off very blustery! It was very cold and windy for his first match! Cal and Elden tagged along.  Sadly there wasn't another home match after that so Haley and Shanna never saw Clark play.

Shanna is still stretching and practicing the splits! And Elden is gearing up for kung fu moves.

The boys having some hair dryer, tennis ball fun.

So to the point of this blog: while we were in Florida on Spring Break Clark had his last interview with President Pappin on a Tuesday.  We chatted with him about a week later.  He said he submitted them the 8th or 9th...can't remember exactly but said they might come that Tuesday the 20th....which they did!  Clark recieved an email later that morning that his call had come!  We contacted a bunch of people to meet us at our house and then for lots of people to get on Zoom to see him open his mission call. AHHH!!!!  The paperwork was pretty easy for Clark and I to fill out. The doctor who gave Clark the mandatory turberculosis test even stopped by our house on a Sunday to make sure the test was clear.  And our dentist was able to fill out his paperwork right away.  Thankfully that all went together smoothly and his papers were sent on time.  We wanted them to get in 4 months beforehand to have a good chance for him to start the fall semester at BYU in 2023. 

The big day came!!!  AHHH!!!! 

Yes my friends!  The Kobe, Japan Mission!  MTC report date August 25th!  Right now the Missionary Training Center is just reopening for English speaking only, so we'll see if he does online MTC at home or not. With all the picture taking I do, I forgot to get one of me, Lee and Clark! I was a bit flustered that night arranging everthing and such.  I'm so glad people from the ward could come along with Nathan his friend.  The Frankes were able to come too which was really special. 

I picked up some treats for that night--ice cream, popsicles, soda and Capri Suns--juice pouches.

The April day couldn't have been more gorgeous--high 60s.  It was great.  That night at dinner I told Clark I think he's going to Asia or Polynesia. He thought he might go Asian that night as well.  Japan it is!  WOO HOO!  We are praying he'll get to go to Japan with all this COVID stuff. It was a great evening and a very exciting event.  

One Sunday seemed pretty nice out, though it was colder than we anticipated.  Lee took Cal to church on the FZ09.

Haley did her magic again with a fun chocolate cake!

Cal pulled out the house he picked out last summer at the ceramic shop in Waterloo and added some paint to it. 

The social gathering restrictions finally lifted some!  It's been great having visitors at the house--more than 10 people. We had fun with the Petersons one night. 

One Saturday in April we were actually home and were getting some yard work done.  I started to tidy up the shed, but when ahead and gave it a pretty good cleaning.  I forgot to take an after picture, haha.

Hello Spring!

I got my first vaccine and enjoyed my first free Krispy Kreme donut! The year of 2021 everyone who shows a vaccine card gets a free donut.  Over and over again.  We've been a few times. 

While we were gone for spring break they started digging up our yard. The town is replacing sewer lines all over town.  Of course we were some the lucky ones who had their front yards dug up.  Though I actually didn't care.  I was grateful we hadn't put in a brandnew driveway yet.  And a friend/acquaintane in town died, Amy Herring. Her two older daughters are in Clark and Cal's grades.  It was just so sad to hear about her passing.  She was a couple years older than Lee and myself. She died right before big events in her daughters lives like prom and graduation.  I was out jogging the day of the funeral.  I'd never seen so many cars at the cemetary. Also that same day I found out about her passing our Elder's Quorum president Spenser Briggs was life flighted to a hospital for a brain aneurysm. Wow, lots of heavy stuff.  So our yard being dug up?  Don't care one bit!

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