Monday, August 31, 2020

Assateague and Cousin Time!

We continued to do summer adventures around here. One morning Lee, Cal and Haley met up with David and Christian Peterson for a morning hike on the Bear Fence trail.  The overlook up there is amazing!

More shooting with Ken!  

We met up with some friends at Riven Rock park one afternoon. 

I took Shanna to Brandywine Lake to see her best friend Cortlyn. They had a great time together and hadn't seen each other in months!

Cal worked on a new game this summer..."Domain".  It's fun seeing the things he and the other kids create. 

Cal, Lee, Clark and some of the other kids played it a couple of times and enjoyed it!

I ordered some Preach My Gospel manuals for all my kids.  The plan is to go through the book before Clark leaves on his mission.  We'll work on it during the school year. 

Ahh, peaceful COVID Sundays at home....

Now on the the main trip of the post: Assateague State Park!  I took the kids up camping there (minus Clark) for a couple of days.  Lois and Jeff and family camped right next to us.  We had an awesome campsite near the restrooms and near the beach. It was really fun seeing the horses. 

I finally learned how to put the bikes on the top bike rack on the Suburban. 

So close to the beach!  I was glad we had a shade canopy as it was hot with no shade!

The beach is always fun to chill at. 

We split up the food responsibilities between me and the Heits. 

That night the kids went looking for ghost crabs.  They just run around the beach at night. 

The kids dug a pit so the crabs could fight each other....not the best activity....

We went on a little bike ride to the bridge over the bay.  

At night the horses wandered through the campground from site to site hoping to find food. 

More crab hunting!

Haley drew this using some burnt wood.  I thought it was clever and fun.

After roasting marshmallow and getting ready for bed, the wind picked up and we had a little storm of sorts.  Cal's smaller tent was blowing over, and our tent also was blowing over and everything went crazy!  We started packing up and since we did I decided to just leave.  It was past 11:00pm.  When I went to leave the Suburban's battery was dead.  Thankfully Jeff had jumper cables. 

After the Chevy was running I stopped at a gas station for some snacks and drove home.  I arrived at 4am.  I was tired!  Thankfully we made it. I slept till about noon and we got things unpacked from the trip. It was shorter than I anticipated, but fun to camp at the beach. 

And Lee bought some fun new dress shoes!

And more cousin time!  After the beach Reed came home with us for a few days. Another Bear Fence hike!

We did an ice cream run to Shenandoah at Karen's Frozen Favorite.  Delicious soft serve!

Clark did more work on his car with Lee.

The end of that week we went up to Pennsylvania to hang out with family.  We visited Pine Grove Furnace State Park and hiked the Pole Steeple Trail.     

We saw the sheets of rain coming towards us and soon after booked it down!

The main reason for the visit was to celebrate Eric's 14th birthday! 

Sunday walk. 

We had a fun time with family that weekend.  The next night for family home evening Elden was in charge of dessert and wanted lava cakes.  They turned out great!

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