Sunday, July 19, 2020

The Summer Crazies

Ah, a COVID summer.  Nothin like it.  And hopefully nothin like it again! Like I've mentioned, we actually were able to do quite a bit this summer, which has been nice.  

One afternoon Shanna made her own hamburger bun and enjoyed her avacado & burger.

Clark and Lee are still ticking away on the car!

Shanna and Cal both got braces this summer! Shanna was over the moon to get hers on!

And we pulled out the ping pong table topper a couple of times. 

And here are the braces!  She will get the bottom braces on in October. 

Boy was that one big check for two kids! Just Haley and Elden to go....

Shanna has big plans for the upstairs bedroom--splitting it in half-ish.

A random Saturday afternoon we went a hike with the Peterson's and the Rigby's.  Kristen Rigby is David's sister.  It was great meeting them and I am looking forward to getting to know her better!

Clark's been doing a little painting here and there on his car as well. 

One of our friend's graduated from high school.  It didn't quite turn out 100%, but I thought a mask around some money was appropriate. 

Lee and I went out to eat one night.  The first time we'd been at a sit-down restaurant in a LONG time.  Germ-x was our chaperone. 

The Heit boys (minus Reed as Cal and Reed were in Iowa) came and stayed for a few days so Lois could get ready for their move to Cuba.  Jeff is a dentist with the Navy and that is their first duty station. 

Summer and popsicles!  They were made for each other!

Lee's taken the kids a couple of times to the Copelands to shoot guns.  The first time Cal was out of town so Clark and Elden went. 

Park time!

Another crazy adventure this summer is the transmission went out on the Suburban.  I forgot that when a transmission is going out you can't go in reverse so we got stuck on pretty much a one way road. We were going to Riven Rock Park, which was closed.  But the park guy said we could park on the main road and walk down in.  We went to the actual entrance to try and turn around there.  But bad idea.  I waited by the main road for the tow truck to come. Thankfully Clark was with me and walked down with Kristen Rigby and the other kids to the river.  My friend Lindsay came as well. 

The guy thought he couldn't get the Suburban out of there.  And I though, you're the tow truck guy-you have to get it out!  The wheels had locked up.  He told me he'd have to drag it like it was basically impossible.  I figured well, you have to drag it.  We can't just leave it! After pulling on it (I sat in the front seat steering) the wheels unlocked and cooperated in neutral. 

Haley and Luke watched the action.

Can't let COVID have all the fun, right?! Thankfully we just got a rebuilt transmission last fall, so we didn't have to pay anything to get another transmission put in. 

I thought if we got the Suburban up on this incline, and put it in neutral we would have enough momentum to turn around backwards.  But the wheels had locked up.  Bad idea. 

I finally made it to the creek and took a couple pictures before heading home.  Lee's team members Christina and Miranda saved the day.  They drove the Mercury to the Park and then road home in Christina's car.  So thankful that they could do that!  

Our plans changed last minute with Cal being in Iowa.  I thought that he was going to ride home with Lois but their plans changed and I wanted Cal home.  It wasn't a trip I wanted to make, but wanted to pick up Cal.  So back to Iowa! Another summer crazy in addition to the suburban.

More yummy cucumbers from the garden back at home!

We decided to stay an extra day and went to Maquoketa Caves.  I'm glad I took a picture because I would never remember it!

It would be fun to go back and go camping there.  There are fun little trails and lots of caves all over. 

Shanna loves eating with chopsticks at Deb's. I left a little after midnight to start heading home. We made it. Whew!

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