Saturday, October 6, 2012

This and that

Our last day of summer break we went to Riven Rock Park. The kids had a fun time exploring the river.  And as the name reveals, there are lots of rocks there!
Aug 21 2012 Riven Rock Park Cal Aug 21 2012 Riven Rock Park Elden
For our family home evening before school started we talked about wearing the Armour of God, and in which ways we are strengthened at home to go out into the world.
Aug 20 2012 Aug 20 2012 Haley Elden Aug 20 2012 (2)

Several days before the start of school we had our family photos taken. A BYU student that was home for the summer took our pictures and did a great job.  She was recently accepted into BYU's photography program too! Here is a sneak peek:

We are saving the "main" picture or pictures for our Christmas card so I am not going to show them yet. 

For a little Elden update:

As I mentioned in my last post, he LOVES being the solo child at home.  Right before school started I was thinking about Elden and how I need to teach him to start dressing himself.  And he almost always wanted me or Lee to come to the bathroom with him.  Sometimes he would let an older sibling take him.  Well, almost like magic, as soon as the rest of the kids went off to school, he started dressing himself and going to the bathroom by himself! It was so nice and I was pleasantly surprised!

The last few months he hadn't been taking regular naps either. He can take one (and probably needed them), but really, I didn't want to take the time to have him stay in his bed to take a nap.  Ever since school started he has taken a nap almost everyday. Despite him loving being the only kid at home, I think it must get boring for him sometimes too.  And he will just take naps on his own--another plus.  He'll just lie on the couch or his bed or fall asleep in my lap--almost anywhere! (Or even once on the dining room floor and on the bathroom floor!)  If he doesn't have a nap during the day he goes to bed SO well at night and will be asleep in minutes, so I haven't been pushing it at all. Anyway, it's been great seeing him move to more independence all on his own.   It's funny too because he has asked several times when he gets to go to school.  Sadly, it will be all too soon Elden. It's been great being with my little buddy during the day.


andyandsteph said...

Love the picture and I can't wait to see more!

Lois said...

The FHE looked super cute! And I want to go to the park sometime next spring/summer - it looks super fun.