Monday, May 10, 2010

Chocolate Chip Brownie Cookies

Cal taught Home-Ec on Wednesday. This week he led a baking class, choosing to do a healthy version of Chocolate Chip Brownie Cookies.
Chocolate Chip Brownie Cookies sound much better than the "soup" I would make as a small child.

Since we're on the subject of food, on Friday while doing laundry, I looked into the living room and saw this:
Yep, Shanna's moved up in the world. No longer does she feel the need to hide in the shower and eat sour cream. Why not do it in the open and enjoy a movie at the same time? Though the kids were looking suspicious as I saw them eating spoonfuls of peanut butter in the bathroom that same day.


Melissa S. said...

That little Shanna is just soooo pretty! (even eating sour cream! SICK!)

Lois said...

Haha! I love Cal's brownies. It totally reminds me of the "soup" we used to make - but yes - the brownies are a lot less messy. And I love how Shanna is eating the sour cream on the spoon - to funny!

Kaylene said...

Soo funny that Shanna loves sour cream, because Connell does too! He eats it like ice-cream if I let him! Crazy kids! I love the brownies! We always made pies.