Hurricane Helene hit and we had LOTS of rain because of it! We had school canceled for a couple of days as well.
We had the Peterson's over one night and did a little golf cart driving too!
Later the youth joined in for an activity that night
Thanks to all the rain the grass looks amazing and it's still mowing season!
I love the special touches Haley creates for her room--like this sign on her door. So pretty!
Temple trip!
We met Bryleigh Geary recently and took her to the temple for the first time. She's amazing! Emily, her friend, came too.
Our little Airbnb!
Shanna at another cross country meet!
Haha, I love the signs Elden does occasionally around the house!
Fall fun and General Conference Time!!!
Clark was able to go to the conference center!
Lee decided to run for Town Council! A little photo shoot for fliers!
Sunday afternoon the Lorimers came to hang out with us for General Conference. We had lots of yummy food!
I watched Jack one morning and we had fun going out on the golf cart.
Then some apple picking!
Elder Robertson Sunday night call! The Philippines has a national holiday for families. It's amazing. This is what Elder Robertson's shirt is for.
Hair time....
Elden wanted to make his own sugar cookies and they turned out great.
Sibling time!
Service project at the Frankes!
Ahhh...if school was only so easy, haha. I saw this when I was making copies and thought of my high schoolers and college kid and college nieces and nephews. Though, I would never go back! I love being an adult!
New additions to the basement!
Someone at the youth activity dented the baseboard in the basement.....Got it all fixed up.
Love hearing Haley play her solo at the beginning of the marching band performance!
Love driving through the drivethru at the bank on the golf cart.
Another competition!
Elden and Lee went golfing!
Bonding time....
Sunday....and Haley making chapati!
We had a conference recap at the Calhouns. Such a pretty night! Loved hearing the youth talk about highlights from General Conference.
Elder Robertson time!
We had some time off school so a hike it is! Shanna and Haley with Mallece Lorimer.
Stoney Man Overlook. One of my favorites.
Shanna and Haley babysitting at the Weilers.
With Shar Lorimer.
I bought popcorn again for Lee to hand out at our town's Halloween celebration. It was so heavy that the seatbelt warning kept beeping. So I had to buckle it to make it stop.
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