Wednesday, April 10, 2024

General Conference Eclipse!

Fun things happening around here!  We got a new sidewalk at the office for the basement!  Pretty excited!

They also patched the curb. Yay!

Youth activity. Can't remember what it was...

A coin that Lee got somewhere, haha. I think Lee's Grandpa Lyle gave it to him since it's from Ruth, NV.

There is a house in town with a cute back patio...trying to glean some ideas for the space next to the next sidewalk at the office.  We want to have it be some sort of cute sitting area. 

Haley's spoils from Cape Verde.  

Elden finished a puzzle!

Love Lee's homemade pizza!

General Conference time!  We were in town for Saturday so we invited ourselves to Wood Grill Buffet to eat with the Petersons. 

Loved conference!!! I feel so blessed that my family has a living Prophet we can follow who will always point us to Christ and eternal life!

In between sessions. 

Spring is here! 

Another puzzle!

Saturday night I went to my parents.  I flew with them to St. Paul and then drove them to the Mayo Clinic.  My dad's battery for Parkinson's that controls his tremors, died.  He needed to get a new battery right away. He doesn't shake much, but it really helps his body move as well.  There was quite a difference in his physical abilities with his battery not working. We watched the first session with Ila and Zack and then caught the second half at the hotel. It was fun spotting our regulars in the choir, haha. Lee and the kids left for Kirtland during the second session and listened while they drove.  We had booked a hotel room right outside of Kirtland for the eclipse and to see the Kirtland Temple.  Our church recently purchased it from the Community of Christ, as well as other important buildings in Nauvoo.  We're pretty excited about the new building purchases! Anyways, the hotel totally canceled our room.  I think it was because of the eclipse and they wanted to see the room at a higher price.  They canceled my friend's room too.  We even booked them way back in February!  Very annoying.  I found a sketchy Red Roof Inn for Lee and the kids about an hour or 45 minutes from Kirtland. 

Taking off for Minnesota.  We left very early morning!

Frank!  Though we found out his real name is Chatham. 

Frank Senior, Frank's dad.  Though we totally made that up too. 

This guy has a sibling in Darrell's ward.  I think his name is Greg. 

Ila fed us yummy food on Sunday!

We drove from St. Paul to Rochester after the first session.  We got settled into our hotel and watched the second half of the second session.  I missed part of the Saturday evening session as well, so I also used the next couple days to listen to it. 

Brad Wilcox!!!


My hotel room. 

More yummy snacks for Sunday morning General Conference for Lee and the kids. 

Playing the game from Cape Verde. I need to learn it still!

The sketchy hotel. 

I got my parents to the Mayo Clinic Monday morning and then I went for a walk in Rochester.  I was sad to miss out on the eclipse with everyone. And as you can tell by the ski in Minnesota, no chance seeing it there. 

My dad's surgery went great and they treated me to lunch at a Mexican restaurant. 

Still snow in Minnsota!

That night for dinner I got a chicken at Costco.  Our hotel was in a sweet spot...walking distance to Aldi and Costco!

Breakfast at said sketchy hotel. 

Kirtland time!  LOTS of people were there and they got to go in the temple.  They just missed going upstairs though, which was too bad.  I want to go back though to see it again, so I'm thinking a quick Sunday trip one of these days...

Shanna finishing up her book for the month.  I let her finish this one out by listening to it. Shanna and Haley's payment for cell phones each month is reading one book a month and passing off a hymn a month. 

I guess they got to go up to the second floor but not the third?

Road trip food!

It was a bit cloudy, but the skies were agreeable and the eclipse was visible!!! Time to start!

Total eclipse time!  See how dark it is out?! They said it was AMAZING. 

Wish I could have been with them!  Now the plan is to go to Egypt in 2027 for the 7 minute eclipse! My breakfast... I selfishly scheduled our return home on Wednesday so we could see friends on Tuesday. We saw Deborah and Makenzie as well! 

We met up with Randy and Rhoda which was so fun! They treated us to a late lunch as well which was so nice of them. Love the Bennett family and it was great to see them. 

We then went to my mom's friend's house-Terri. I've heard about her so much that it was so fun to meet her in person. She served us a classic Minnesota dinner--hot dish with a bundt cake! She even did a littel menu. It was all so cute. 

Lee's eclipse egg, haha. 

Corn water tower.

Till next time Minnesota!!!

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