Friday, March 22, 2024

Elden Turns 15!

 Elden's birthday!!!  Very fun that he's 15! Cinnamon rolls for breakfast.

I had fun disguising Elden's present.  

For dinner he picked Panda Express. 

Haha, this was a funny fortune. 

We're preparing for our trip to Cape Verde.  Saundra had a few things sent to our house that we'll bring to her.  Making sure that items fit into a bag she bought. 

Time for his party!

His fake big gift was a stuffed toy. 

It was fun that Clark could join us for the party.  Elden enjoyed opening cards and gifts!  

We had a fun time celebrating Elden. He's a joy to have at home and keeps us laughing with his quick wit. He keeps Lee on his toes with wrestling and keeps me peeking around doors with his scare tactics. 

Such pretty sunsets!

New pillows!  Haha, not very news worthy, but fun!

I sent Ethan some cookies to him as he's at the MTC in Provo.  I went ahead and sent some to Clark as well. 

I had extra pies from the holiday and pulled one out. I think we have one or two more in the freezer!

One night we headed into Harrisonburg to see the art from the students in the county.  Haley's Wall-E. Love how it turned out!

This was just hilarious. 

I babysat for my friends for a few days.  Did some park time!

Route 33 Burgers.  So yummy!


St. Patrick's Day rolled around too!  

Yummy meal...

I enjoyed the Relief Society broadcast.  I left early to talk to Elder Robertson, so I listened to the rest of the broadcast at home. 

Some rough housing time too. 

Lava cakes are always a win.

The kids grabbed free cones at DQ for the first day of Spring. 

Getting hair highlighted!

Richmond Temple Time!

Elden helping Shanna out with Debra.  Shanna is in the cosmetology program at Massanutten Technical Center and the hair they cut is on these plastics heads...they're all named Debra.  

A little special project for extra credit for Mr. Beachey's chemistry class.  Making moles with a scientific twist.  They turned out cute!

Sadly some wildfires in West Virginia were devastating. Our friend Jen's house burned down, so sad.  Sheryl's house is nearby. Thankfully Sheryl's house was fine. 

The lighting is all done!  It's funny, the lighting makes our cabinets look gray.  Maybe we should repaint them....they look good gray!

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