Thursday, February 29, 2024

Valentine's Day and State Track Meet for Shanna!

Waffle for breakfast Valentine's Day morning! 

Lee and the kids did these really cute hearts for me. I loved it!

Lee and I went out for lunch that day at Grub & Gab. We'd never been before.  We tried to go over Christmas break with our family and Sheldon and Ciera but they were closed the day we ventured out. It's a cute little place! 

It's fun putting together treats for the kids!

I surprised them on Valentine's Day with the trip I planned for London! 

The pictures were wrapped up in these....

Mini Nutella!

Haley's shirt is fun.

The girls did a little skiing again. With their jobs they get to ski for free, which is amazing!

Daddy time!

The young women headed up a little food drive for an activity. 

We were gifted these at the temple. So fun!

Yep, I still do copies at the elementary school!  The copier acts up sometimes...

It was around Amelia's birthday, so Shanna surprised her by going to her church that day and was able to hang out after. 

Finally finishing up the basement last details!!!

Any time is Onewheel time. 

Shanna made it to the state indoor track meet for pole vaulting!

She got a personal record and a school record!  Her best was 8 feet.  At the meet she got 8.5 and 9 feet!!!

Elden skipped school to cheer her on with me. Though I don't think he did much cheering. 

One of the mom's had people help put together goodie bags for the kids that made it to state.  Really sweet of her!

Loved this quote!

Pringle Art. 

Yearly Funky's trip!

A beautiful day to go to the temple...any day is!

Best buds.

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