Monday, September 16, 2024

Lee's Birthday!

We had a belated celebration for Eric's birthday!

The Ereksons were with us that weekend and we rode up to PA together. We left at our car at a parking lot in New Market and all rode in their big van to PA. When we came back we had late light cheesecake before going to bed. We made the cheesecake for Lena, for fun. 

I can't remember who drew this but it was a cute!  The person explained it to me I think even, but again, can't remember. 

Talking to Elder Robertson!

Steven taking a go on the OneWheel. 

Dinner at the Peterson's for Labor Day!

We celebrated Lee's birthday!  He caught up to me age wise!

Mountain biking for Lee and Haley at the bike park at Massanutten. 

We went to a Japanese restaurant for Lee's birthday dinner. 

The Japanese love for vending machines continues on in the States!

We spilled water again...ooof. 

We had a fun day celebrating his birthday!  We love you Lee!!!

I went up to Lois' for her birthday a couple days later. She had a get-together with her friends. 

Some random photos....

More marching band!

Cross country meet for Shanna!

Senior jeans!!!

Elden and Haley enjoyed a hike with Lee and others while I was at the cross country meet. 

Mint brownies!

More cross country.  I was proud of Shanna for sticking it out even though she did not like it. 

The Ereksons were on their way up to Idaho to drop off Kirsten to college and Clark got to see them!  So fun!

I have a goal this year to run 12 half-marathons.....Not sure why I made this goal haha.....I finished a half this day!

Temple time is the best!

I love sending this picture of Karn's Food to my nieces and nephews when I'm in PA.  Some of them worked here and still do!

Shanna and Haley went to a dance in Richmond with an FSY friend and had a great time! I went to Trader Joe's and hung out in the car. 

A fall ride for Lee. 

Some fun fall goodies for a package for Clark. 

We stopped by to say hello to some people in our ward and she gave us some yummy Chinese food!