Sunday, February 14, 2021

A COVID Valentine's

Yes, more snow!  This winter has been really fun with the frequent snowfalls.  Of course sledding was on the agenda!

There is an awesome hill in town that is perfect for sledding.

Shanna doing more poses!

One of the snow storm days included some ice.  

One of Elden's goals for the year was to build a rubber band gun with Lee.  It finally happened!

Clark is taking guitar at high school and seems to be enjoying it!

One random night Cal decided to sleep outside and then wanted to spend the whole next day outside.  He did spend quite a bit of time outside, but not the whole day.  Elden started out in the tent that night but later went back inside.  Cal braved the entire night, even though he was cold. 

One evening the kids were all doing different things which I thought was fun.  Elden worked on his rubber band gun.

Clark practiced guitar.

Cal worked on coding skills.

Haley read and listened to music. 

Shanna made jello.

Lee headed up the date for Valentine's weekend.  One game we guessed how many candies in the jar...I won! Another game was clues about candy bars and you had to guess which bar.  I also won that!  Then we had chocolate cheesecake and watched a Hallmark movie. 

I had fun doing some goodie bags and decorations for the kids.  Lee had the kids make Valentine boxes so everyone could write Valentine's to each other.  I made Clark's box.  He had just found out he was accepted to BYU! He found out Feb 13th.  Lois had mentioned that her friend's daughter found out she was accepted to BYU on the 12th.  Clark and I didn't think that he'd know till the 15th.  So I called Clark and asked him to have Dad login to a computer so he could check.  Lee wasn't home so I asked Clark if I could check his email.  He agreed, but the email just stated that the decision for BYU had been made and to log in to his account.  I said something like, oh rats, and Clark thought that meant he didn't get in.  Then I asked him his info to log in to his BYU account and then we found out from there that he had been accepted!!!  WOOT WOOT!   Clark is going on a mission first so he'll defer and go to school the Fall of 2023.

Breakfast Valentine's Day morning. 

Lee gifted me some pretty lilies and three yummy ice creams!  Fish Food by Ben & Jerry's is my favorite!  I got Lee some chocolate covered almonds and thin Oreo's.

Waffles, whipped cream and strawberries for breakfast. 

Haley drew a guy on one of the balloons. 

It's Ty Ash's birthday on Valentine's Day. Lee and Cal minister to his family so we stopped by to give him a little gift and also bring Valentine's to his family.  They gave us a fun gift bag as well with a heart garland, lemon hand soap, cinnamon gummy bears, two cute homemade knitted hot pads and some yummy treats! We hope you all had a fun Valentine's Day!

Elden did an experiment with Skitttle candies in Mr. Markel's class.  A couple of times he's soaked different items in water as well.  Love the notes my kids leave on things sometimes. 

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