Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Peace of mind...3 months anyway
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11:37 PM
Monday, February 21, 2011
Looking for Mom
Clark's choir concert was last week. It happened to fall on the same day that Lee went out of town and I was flying back into town. I mentioned to Clark I might not be there if the plane was delayed. (Fortunately it wasn't!) Before the concert started Clark was very worried about me not being there. The student teacher told Clark to tell her what I looked like so she could help look for me. Clark responded: "I don't know, but she has a happy face!"
I did get there JUST before the concert started and Clark saw me. I am glad that when Clark thinks of my facial features a happy face comes to mind and not a scowl!
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4:23 PM
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Another overdue update. Life has been going along quite normally; except for 6 snow days within a 2 week time frame. Basically I've come to the conclusion that if it snows, school will be canceled. No question. Last week my kids had 4 snow days in a row, and this week today and now tomorrow were/are canceled. Good thing I like snow days! Last week Lee's work was canceled 2 days in a row and I LOVED that! A mini-holiday.
I mainly like snow days for selfish reasons....I get to sleep in (I don't know why but my kids are GREAT in the morning, no joke!), I don't have to go anywhere, and it saves me money! For the money part: I am saving gas money because I am using the van less--and it's not an environmental thing, far from. It's my own pocket book I am concerned about. Also money wise, I don't have to pay for school lunches--which my kids eat once a week at school--AND the items I've bought for sack lunches I will use next week, thus saving me a little more money. (Not much grant you, but every $1 counts.)
Back to the snow days: here is a funny movie of Clark. It's only 15 seconds long. Take a peek.
A picture one of my kids took. Oh and thanks to my friend Stephanie's comment--THANKS STEPH!--our camera did NOT die! We saw on little hole on it that might be a re-set button, and I think it was because now our camera works!
Elden loves all things boy. It's so cute! Filling his daddy's shoes! Or bike shoes I should say.
My sister Lois made these awesome "roses" for us sisters for Christmas. THANKS!
One morning during a snow day the kids had a little dance session. Well, okay, I think this picture is from that. If not, it fits!
Elden was helping Clark unload the dishwasher last week. So sweet!
My stud! Everyone need a little warmth on a chilly afternoon.
Multipurpose! I will buy sleds someday, I promise.
Last week Lee was gone picking up a bed that some friends of ours were borrowing. I was cleaning and the boys were upstairs in the tub. I didn't want Elden up there with them because I wasn't up there. Anyway, he wandered in the shower with Shanna. At first my instinct was to pull him out. But then I realized he was enjoying it and he wouldn't drown so I left him.
Our boys get Lego magazines in the mail--mainly catalogs. We aren't sure if that is a good thing or not because they look at them all the time. I figure it must be better than all those commercials they don't see....right? Anyway, in the bottom corner of one magazine was this itty-bitty train. Clark made it one morning. It's so cute!
Told you it was itty-bitty. Like mister headless man?
SO, I am finally posting the picture of the amazing Family Home Evening board Mike and Lena made for me. Thanks you guys! And a BIG THANKS to Mike! He did most of the labor. I LOVE IT! My kids are excited about it too. Lately they ask "what am I?" for family home evening and they get excited when I tell them what they will be for the next family home evening.
My brother Sheldon, who is currently serving in Italy on a mission turned 21 on Monday! I can't believe he will be home from his mission in essentially TWO WEEKS! So exciting! (And an awkward for the missionary...well, it was for me. I wanted to go home, but I didn't.) Other exciting news for me and Lee....I filed our taxes and we got the money already! Some of the money is going to our three-month food supply. I will finish the three-month supply off this weekend with one more trip to the store--Aldi. I also went ahead and did a three-month supply of household/personal items. All of the three-month supply stuff cost a lot more than I thought, but it is comforting to know we will be okay for at least 3 months after we end our Army job! Next step in food storage, a year supply of the basics: wheat, rice, powdered milk, chocolate chips....
In other happenings, I went to a couple of baptisms recently. First the son and then a week later the mom, and the son baptized the mom. Very wonderful. A couple of weekends ago I went to a baby shower for my friend Melissa, and a few days later went to good-bye gathering for my friend Jenny who moved. I also went to a fun activity at the church yesterday for Relief Society sisters. And I have been busy with visiting teaching. I am almost done collecting the reports for the month of January and handing out new routes (1 route left!). Before I know it, it will be time to start working on February numbers.
My grandma went to the hospital last week and is not doing well. She is currently in a care center. She has had a good life and her journey here is coming to a close. She will have a joyous reunion with many people in the spirit world after she passes. My Aunt Anna Lee and Uncle Lee have been taking wonderful care of her the past several years in their home and my cousin Howard has been looking over her and managing her care of health as he is a doctor. I am very grateful for all that they've done for my grandma. I am grateful that there are so many of my family members near by that offer love and support--now and the past several years. I have a wonderful family!
OH and Lee and I have been LOVING Lark Rise to Candleford. SO GOOD! Lois told me that they are probably filming their last sad! And today in the mail we got a sweet Valentine from our friends the Yorgasons and card and a letter from my friend Penny. THANKS! I love getting things in the mail!
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12:29 AM