Saturday, May 25, 2024

Rocket Launch

Wrapping some stuff up in the basement! 

Elden and Shanna at their track meet!

Love the fire area. 

Haley was so tired after school one day that she fell asleep.  She had me a little startled because I called out to her twice in a very normal voice and she didn't move a bit.  But I noticed her breathing after that so then I wasn't worried. 

Haley's ham from Eric, haha. 

Donating quite a few things.  YAY!

Misty morning. 

This was that guest book I mentioned a few posts back.  So sweet of Patti!

Yep, there's a Cyber Truck in the area!  We've seen it a few times now. 

Last day of seminary!  Crazy!

Yummy burgers by Lee. 

We're headed to Africa in a couple weeks so I went ahead and bought Shanna and Haley luggage that they'll need for college and missions.  

A little visit for Mother's Day!

The youth signing on Mother's Day I think...? Or just in Sacrament meeting. 

Using all the options to keep the chocolate safe. Though Trader Joe's dark chocolate peanut butter cups are SO MUCH BETTER. 

I helped with the Peterson kids for a couple days while David and Kat were on an anniversary trip. 

Banana bread....I think!

More basement!

I knew I had left some chocolates in the Chevy and went to grab them. I also knew some had fallen...maybe one or two.  But then I found a WHOLE bunch.  So funny. 

Woo hoo, the General Conference Liahona is here!

More track! 

Haley did two more water colors for the basement. 

Eats time. 

Lee installed a new kitchen faucet.  Our other one had a good run...over 10 years, but it was dying on us. 

More decluttering. 

The exciting part---Elden bought and built a rocket!

Lee's weekly yummy pizza!

I decluttered some stuff from Shanna's closet to help her out and separated stuff into piles to help her with the process.

Back to the rocket.  Finally finished and time to set it off.  We realized that the batteries in the launcher were bad. After several tries, Elden finally got it to launch!  And then we went back for him to set off another one.  We had a fun time. 

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