Friday, November 18, 2022

Driving Time!

The big day came for the girls to take their permit test!!! I wasn't nervous at all for Cal and Clark taking their learner's test, but I was a little nervous for my girls.  Haley passed!  Sadly Shanna did not and had to wait 2 weeks before she could take the test again.  It is nice, if you get too many wrong it automatically kicks you out.  Disheartening for sure, but it would be worse completing the whole test and then realizing that you failed.

The annual Christmas lists have started!  Shanna and Haley were high tech and shared a google doc with me.  I love the hand written ones though. 

Amelia's mom had some training at JMU for a few Saturdays so Amelia got to hang out with us which Shanna LOVED. 

Setting up Sunday morning before church!

We were late, but finally did our Halloween November....

One of Lee's team members, Joe, invited to hear some of his family participate in a choral event at their church.  They were amazing!

DC Temple!  Always fun to see it heading west on I-495.

Shanna was at her friend Claire's house for a little bit to catch the tail end of a swim party.

Haley's flower looks great!  Fun it's doing this well in November!

A little friend time on a day off of school. We met at the Shepherd's house for lunch and outside time, then went to a local cemetery do record some of the headstones with A Billion Graves. 

Elden enjoying digging through some electronics. 

I mentioned these in an earlier post, but here are more pictures of the posters Shanna and Haley created for school. 

We love having Elder Duren and Elder Carlisle in our ward!!!

We started phase II of the office building project.  Lots and lots of demolition.  Lee and the boys basically did all of it.  

We rented a dumpster for about $500.  We had it for two weeks, I think.  Can you spot the random stranger dumpster diving one morning?

Cal started working for Lee.  Maybe we mentioned that already.  He checks new glasses orders that come in, scans in paper work and does other random jobs we need him to do. 

Pretty random, but I had some awesome coupons and bought all of this (minus fruit in fruit bowl!) for $17!

One of Lee's patients helps run this school in Africa.  We'd love to go there in 2024 and do service for a week. You can check out the school online--just Google it....obviously!

My friend Ashley told me about these croissants you can buy at Trader Joes. We've been buying them pretty regularly ever since!  They're AWESOME!  Especially for a Sunday morning breakfast. 

Random recipe that I found in a magazine at Lee's office.  It looks super yummy!  Maybe we'll make this for Thanksgiving?

Fall is winding down.  A month left till winter hits. 

We had a bat problem in the upstairs of the office building last summer, which we had taken care of with an animal control company that safely removed the bats and sealed up their entry points into the office.  While doing demo in the basement we found a dead bat.  Ugh. It had been there quite awhile though. 

A fun breadmaking activity for Relief Society!

Haley or myself made this flourless chocolate cake, not sure who...either way it was awesome. 

A favorite Sunday past-time for Elden is looking at the blog. 

Big news for the Chevy!!!!!

What a milestone! Haha. 

I guess Shanna isn't the only one who takes selfies! 

Yepper, it's that time of year!  Time to set up Christmas before the month gets away from us.  I like to have my decorations up for a long time, so we try to decorate a few days before Thanksgiving. 

Well, two weeks passed.  Shanna retook her test and passed!  YAY! She won't be able to start driving by herself the same time as Haley.  But two weeks later isn't bad.  She'll be able to drive to school though by herself before the school year starts.  Of course she won't be by herself, but with Haley and Elden. 

She was driving with eyes open.  Promise.  Just caught a blink. 

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