Monday, May 3, 2021

Shanna and Haley turn 14!

 A big day came....Shanna and Haley's birthday!  Woo hoo!  So fun they are 14!  This year they both made their own "cakes" which was really fun.  Haley did a great job on her fondant water dragon.

Their birthday was on a Sunday so we did some stuff on Saturday, like a birthday breakfast, and fun at a climbing wall place--Horizon's Edge. Then the rest on Sunday.  The Petersons came over along with Darrell's family and my parents.  It was great having them here!

Shanna did a jello cake.  When she tried to transfer it to a plate in the morning she dipped the pan in hot water to loosent the sides and bottom of the jello so it would easily transfer to a plate.  Well a little water got in the pan and then next thing we know the whole jello chunk was in the water!  We got it out and back in the pan.  Shanna reheated it and let it set up again while we were at church. 

Some of Haley's gifts. 

Fun package from Aunt Amy.  It's so sweet of her to send my kids packages!

Saturday morning Cal and Elden helped Lee make a roof repair.

Ping pong wall fun.

We had donuts and bacon for breakfast. Amazingly there was leftover bacon!  That never happens!

Haley making her cake on Saturday.

Climbing at Horizon's Edge that afternoon!

We enjoyed the birthday weekend with Haley and Shanna!  Christian, Audrey and Cortlyn joined us for Horizon's Edge on Saturday.  Lee and I never knew the place existed till Shanna and Haley had been there.  It's like a whole new world there that we didn't even know about!  It was so busy at the sports complex.  There were only a couple extra people at the climbing wall place.  We hope you have a great year being 14 Haley and Shanna!  We sure love you ladies!  You bring a lot of joy into our lives!

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