Saturday, May 1, 2021

Birthday Time!

Clark had his final marching band performance this spring.  Wow, can't believe it's over!  He really loved it.  

Senior fun! Clark had his senior t-shirt but one of his classmates had grabbed it by accident.  So he didn't get a picture with it on when Beki Sullivan took these photos.

A sandwich Clark and Haley like to make. 

A fun dragon creation by Haley!

Lee and I went on a little motorcylce ride for a date and picked up Ben & Jerry's.  Two fit quite perfectly in the motorcyle bag. 

Liam and Christian Peterson have been coming over pretty regularly on Wednesdays.  Liam and Elden like to walk to Family Dollar (aka Friendly's) and buy snacks.  They had a little feast in the laundry room.

We finally got around to doing our conference treat and discussion.  The kids are supposed to take notes on each speaker and then we meet as a family, eat a treat and they share something brief about three different talks that they liked. 

We asked if the Petersons wanted to join in and they said yes!  The weather was great that day!

More tennis!  This was in the Fishersville area.

Cal walked home from school one day.  I was gone visiting someone or something...can't remember. Oh maybe it was after my mom's birthday visit?  But I told him to just walk home.  I found him a few blocks from home and he said he wanted to finish to say he's walked all the way home from school. 

For April birthdays we have my mom, brother Daniel, sister Deb, and two nieces that are sisters, born on the same day just years apart.  We had fun celebrating people's birthdays! 

I went up for my mom's birthday and brought fried chicken, salad, fruit and dessert. I picked up some chicken nuggets for Serena.

Some of us pitched in and got my mom this fun Kate Spade hand bag.  Thanks Steph for coordinating this!

Stacie, Jessie and Serena were able to come for lunch. I surprised my mom.  She didn't know I was coming. 

Her pretty clippings!

Our yummy lunch!

A random home church activity...I made a puzzle of sorts and the kids put it together. It was a scripture verse. 

For birthdays I joined in on Daniel's party over Google and got to see him open presents and wish him a happy birthday which I really enjoyed.

The last birthday celebration was for Kylie and Lisa!  The birthday twins, but not real twins.  We met at a military park, then headed to their house the rest of the day. 

When we arrived home that evening Clark had this waiting for him! A fun card from my Aunt Anna Lee and Uncle Lee.  There was a family fund going for years and when someone got married or went on a mission Aunt Anna Lee sends them $100.  It's now basically depleted. And they also sent him some money for his mission. It was very sweet!

Clark's graduation photo for the yearbook.  I really like it but it's so expensive to buy!  He will be getting some senior photos soon. 

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