Thursday, April 25, 2024

Track-Gardens-Range Practice!

I guess this picture is because of the car spotted in the rear view mirror?

Track meet for Shanna and Elden!  I love that they are in track together!

Temple trip!  A highlight of our month!

Teresa, a friend of ours who also works for Lee helped host a baby shower for her daughter at the office basement.  It was SO cute that I wanted to take pictures.

Garden prep time!  It's fun that Lee and Haley love to garden. 

Yard cleanup time too. 

One of the last places to tackle--Lee's contact lens room. It was drywalled over a year ago and we finally got around to painting it and putting down carpet squares. 

The sign Mike made us for Christmas!

Master sandwich maker!

Youth fireside and s'mores--conference recap! We all get together with the youth and share things we liked about general conference. 

Shanna often gets wall pictures.  I think to document how long her hair is getting?

Haley made this in art class.  I love it!!!  She donated it to the auction for the camp fundraiser. 

More track!

Clayton came with me to do copies at the school while I was still watching him. 

Park time with Clayton and Jack. It was fun visiting with Katherine. 

I had no idea Henry could do balloon animals.  So neat!

Watching the Weiler boys after school. 

The outside metal sign from Etsy came! 


I think we went in between the office and home for this tract meet. 

I think this was the District competition.  Elden's track season is over and was helping out that night.  Can you spot him under the canopy? (Which Lee's business donated!)

It got so dark that they pulled up the little utility cart to shine lights on the pole vault pit.  Then brought in a truck. 

It was hard to see, but Shanna broke the school record and got another personal record! 9 feet!

Haley bought a blueberry bush!

We finished it!  It looks so good!!! We even bought vinyl baseboards at Home Depot that you stick on with glue. 

All full, but nicely finished!

More dress work!

Time to paint this door. 

Coat one.  Needs a second coat but so far I love it so much better than the white!

Shooting time. 

Burger time too. 

Jerry gifted this coin to Cal.  I thought that was so sweet!  I sent Elder Robertson's pictures of it and put it in one of his boxes. 

David Peterson's mom Patti Peterson came to the basement one afternoon right before General Conference and walked through the space with me to give me some ideas to get it ready to rent out.  She then gifted this to me!  I should have taken a picture but it's a guest book for people to sign when they stay in the basement.  So thoughtful!


Getting it more finished!

Clark is in town!  He's done with his first year of college!  He stopped by the Weilers one day I was watching them and said hi which was really fun. 

Using my motorcycle.  It's fun he got his motorcycle license last summer. 

Shanna getting interviewed after a track meet. She didn't really like it, haha, but was a good sport. 

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