Sunday, March 10, 2024

Georgia--On My Mind

Lee had another continuing education conference in Atlanta.  SECO is quite easy for Lee to pull off. (You can search the acronym.)  We arrived early morning and dropped off Lee.

We stopped at a Lowes or a Home Depot to hang out in the parking lot for a little while. Then the boys and I drove around to see some sites.  We saw this fun tunnel with lots of graffiti. 

The hit up the posh part of Atlanta.  Such gorgeous homes! 

Next stop, the Atlanta Temple! I messaged my friend Melissa while I was in the parking lot.  Her son had just recently received his endowment in Atlanta and I asked her how far away she was. I wasn't sure which door to go in and Elden said the front. When I got in the entryway, there was Melissa!  Too funny!  She had to rush off, but it was fun to say hi and to say hi to her husband Brooks as well. 

This Taco Bell was very open, but not. 

We ate lunch at a different Taco Bell, then went to IKEA.  While we were there I called Liam's dad (Liam as you can see was with us) to find out what to do about a school computer Liam had, but wasn't supposed to. Sadly Liam flat out lied to his dad about the computer...his dad asked at least 3 times. I saw Liam with it at a gas station on our way down and knew he wasn't supposed to have one.  When we met back up at church that Sunday, Lee gave the laptop to his dad during Sunday School. 

We hung out at the hotel for a little while. Then picked up Lee and had dinner at the Shake Shack. 

Pictures from Lee's continuing education conference. 

Saturday we left to hang out with Sheldon and Ciera. It was Ciera's birthday too! Sheldon, Elden and Liam played video games for a little while and I took a morning nap. Later we went to the Birmingham Museum of Art.  So great it's free!  On our walk there Sheldon pointed out the building he works in for KPMG.

He has an office in the Shipt building. 

Next stop, Hattie B's! It's a fun chicken sandwich place.  Very yummy!

We had a fun time with them!  

Now back to Georgia to pick up Lee and head home. 

Sunday afternoons...

Elder Robertson met a family from our stake in the Philippines!  He recognized him from young men's camp.  Super neat!

The mom who put together the treat bags for the state competitors, also made these shirts for the girls who won the District Championship. That was so sweet!

Thrifting! Shanna and Haley have been doing quite a few things together lately and it makes me so happy!

Here is the prom dress Shanna is working on!

She will be using this extra fabric to make sleeves. 

More basement details.  Wow, we are so slow getting this space completely done! 

I asked Haley to tag along on a field trip.  The Black Friar's Playhouse put on "Pride and Prejudice".  Loved it!

I was sitting by Haley but couldn't see very well with a pillar in front of me.  So I moved. It was nice meeting a couple of her teachers too!

Getting closer...

I got a new temple bag!

Lee installed new under-cabinet lights in the kitchen.

Haley is learning cross stitch in art class.  This is her practice round. 

This will be the project she'll do for school. 

She's doing such a great job!

We were at Lois' one night and had some yummy cheese and crackers for a date snack. 

The car is almost at 300,000 miles!

We attended Rhett's Arrow of Light and bridge crossing ceremony for scouts. 

Sheldon gifted Lee a gun for Christmas and Lee built it out. 

Indoor track awards for Shanna!

Time at Reed's. 

So glad spring is here!

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