Friday, November 10, 2023

McAfee Knob

I've been wanted to go to McAfee Knob for a year or so. The trip was pushed back because of crummy weather or Shanna's Saturday cheer obligations.  We finally found a Saturday we could go!  And can't beat gas under $3!

Of course, life photos first....I love they put up banners of military veterans in our town.  This is one of our neighbors. 

One night for a youth activity we went to Kenneth's one act play. 


Early morning for baptisms!

Okay...time for the hike! It was cold out, but in the end we actually had to peel off some layers. 

Parking lot drama?

The hike is fairly easy, but it's also 7.5 miles so bring snacks! 

The "knob" was so cool.  Would love to hike this one again. 

I love the selfies the kids take haha. 

Yep, Shanna happened to have bubbles in her pack. 

Again, awesome hike!!!  I can't remember if we went straight home after or what. 

We started to put together some things in the basement to make it more homey.  I moved books over from the house to the basement as well. 

Trying to decide what paint color to use as a wash on the backsplash.

Little details to finish.....

For example, this door needs cleaning and a coat of paint. 

Our neighbor works for Danone and gave us some strawberry milk.  Very fun!

More randomness...

The kids had a day off of school and our friends invited us out to their lakehouse at Lake Anna. We had a fun time seeing their new-to-them house and enjoyed a fun visit.  We've never been to Lake Anna till now.  We'll have to go next summer. 

Nap time for the girls. 

We gave the Peterson's some "fake food" from a store in Japan.  Takoyaki. I love how it's right by the cinnamon roll an don the dessert tray.  Out of all the food I tried in Japan, this one made me gag several times and I could only a couple bits of the slimy octopus bread ball. 

After about a month of no oven, we bought a new one.  And we switched over from propane to electric. We tried to fix our other oven, but the broken part is no longer available to purchase.  Ugh. 


I did a little baby shower for my friend who is the young women's president.  It was her birthday that day too, so we had one before the young women activity that night.  Not sure what she seemed that she didn't like it. 

But the young women did have fun doing their glow in the dark dance party!

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