Monday, July 17, 2023

Cal's Last Week and a Half!

Cal's last week came....pretty crazy!  It's been a whirlwind of a summer, like the last several summers I feel like.  We haven't had a boring one in a LONG time!

Sadly one of the new lights went out in Lee's office.  One part went out and eventually the whole thing died. 

Working at Dad's office!

Yummy summer treat. 

Haley has been working on painting a car for her Uncle Andy.  It's turning out great!

Have to sneak in one more shooting session!

The new hood is installed in the basement!

Hanging with the boys.

Cal said goodbye to his best buds and cousins, Eric and Reed. Though he got to see Reed one more time at a get-together one Sunday evening....see below. After the family reunion they went to Reed's house for a day and then came down to Elkton. 

We went 

We had great seats sitting on the lawn at Lee's office. 

One of Cal's last Saturday we went boating and Liam tagged along. 

We always see this little island over by the dam at Smith Mountain Lake, but never stopped till that day.  It was really fun, minus the bugs!

Out town had a little town celebration going on, so we swung by to see fireworks...again the benefit of hanging out at the yard at Lee's office!

That Sunday the kids enjoyed hanging out and styling hair, haha. 

More office progress!  I don't like these lights in this bathroom though. I like them, but not with the gold fixtures. 

A little bit of Costco time and then slurpees!  It's 7-11 day!

We went to the DC Temple for Cal to receive his endowment. That was a special night. 

Shanna, Haley and Elden did baptisms while we were in the session. 

It was great having some friends from the ward there!

A beautiful Tuesday evening. 

We had our monthly youth activity, floating down the Shenandoah River.  Or I should say floating up. It runs north. 

Just a few days left.  Cal packing up.  When our kids leave home (two so far) they have to pack up all their stuff.  They get 3 plastic totes to put their stuff in. One really big one and two large ones (but not so big).  Then they have to take the rest or get rid of it.  We did keep some of Clark's drone and car stuff in the shed, so we broke our own rule a little.  But in the house, that's what they get to keep.  And they have to move out of their room. Haley is moving into this room after Clark gets home then heads off to BYU.  Until then Clark and Elden will share it. 

The next day Shanna and Haley had their wisdom teeth removed.  We saw that the oral surgeon had his own soda, but then got rid of it because it was caffeinated. 

Poor girls,  They both cried on the way home.  Cal took home Shanna, and Elden was tagging along.  They felt like they were a bit traumatized by that event, haha. Haley kept emphasizing the point that she was lucid and could understand what I said. 

No fun! It went okay though and they got their medicine down.  Wisdom teeth removal is pretty miserable. 

Lee figured out a solution for the basement washer and dryer!  We found out that the closet was too small for the washer and dryer.  But he realized that the vent could come out from the side instead of the back...saving a lot of room!  The washer and dryer are squished in the space, but they fit and the door closes. 

Gracie hurt her ankle and was excited to show Shanna her crutches. 

One more time hanging with Jack!

We went to the temple again before Cal left. 

I think while Cal was up at Reed's, we made packages for him that I hid in his suitcase right before he left.  The Manila MTC instructed to not send packages because the missionaries aren't there very long.  So we did this instead. 

Hello large moth!

Something else that went down before Cal left is Cal and Lee went skydiving!

Not many pictures from the experience, but Cal really enjoyed it.  Lee liked it fine. 

Our last Saturday night we ate out at Wendy's.  Shanna and Haley were feeling the pudgy cheek effect. 

Tomorrow Cal speaks in church, gets set apart then leaves Monday for the Philippines!

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