Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Snowshoe, Kings Dominion Early Birthday!

Our first skiing trip of the season!  We headed to Snowshoe for this as we figured they would have snow and they did.  It's always fun going to Snowshoe!

Not very pretty out with snow still lacking, but a great nonetheless!

The Boathouse burgers are quite good!  It's fun going to there to eat.  I saw a guy there with 4 or 5 little kids. Seemed like he was a dad taking his kids skiing.  Very fun! We just did a day trip to Snowshoe so were back home that evening. 

Later in December Elden and I went to Snowshoe with Steph, Maggie and James. They hadn't ever been skiing before.  They came to go skiing at Massanutten, but Massanutten wasn't open.  I now know I don't like teaching kids how to ski.  Maggie actually didn't do too bad, but James had a rough go...and who wouldn't on the first time.  I should have actually said no to going to Snowshoe as it cost me $200 to go with Elden and just for one day. It was not very fun since we didn't get to really ski.  Before skiing, Steph actually met us at the high school where Shanna had a Winter choir concert.  That was great they could go to that with us.

It was fun talking to Steph on the drive and she treated us to lunch which was also fun.  Thankfully Massanutten actually opened up the next day so we headed there the next day. Elden took off school again. 

Haley's awesome hot chocolate!  It's so good!

And fake toffee....YUM!

We also went to a holiday party at my friend Tara's house.  She always does fun parties!

Haley's fun ornament she created.

We hit up King's Dominion one last time this year. We loved seeing all of the holiday lights! The Sheperd's met us there, and so did Lee later.  The Four Drummers Drumming performance was pretty cool. 

The weather was awesome and the "snow" very fun!  

Haha, reppin' the Y without even coordinating it!

Gotta rep Santa as well!

Wrestling by Christmas tree lights...ahh...memories!

We also attended Haley's winter concert.  It's so fun going to Shanna's concerts and Haley's Jazz concerts!

Haley plays the electric keyboard for Jazz. She's been really enjoying it.  Shanna has really liked choir as well.

Can't forget about a Christmas piano recital!  That was fun too.  I always enjoy those!

We celebrated my birthday early by going to the temple in Philadelphia and grabbing some goodies at Halo Farm.  Sadly Cal was sick so he stayed home.  We had reservations to the Melting Pot but I didn't want to go without him. We canceled those reservations. 

Ice cream and milk were on the shopping list!  Sadly, the chocolate milk wasn't as good as I remembered it. Ha!  One of those times it was romanticized in my mind!  Still, it was good, and also the egg nog and whole milk.  We won't be going 45 minutes out of our way to go there again. If it's near by on our travels we will stop. 

On the way back I saw that it would only be an extra 10 minutes or so to stop by my parents house so we did.  My dad was able to open his birthday gift from us, since I had mailed it earlier.  A pocket knife with "The Boss" on it.  He is Da Boss for the nephews and their fake group. Haha.

I need to find pictures of my birthday gifts!  Lee went all out....I got a new phone, some new shoes and other stuff that I can't remember!  Also, Haley gifted me a super fun goodie haul with 4 things of Ben & Jerry's, candy and some cheddar/caramel popcorn.  So yummy!!! Elden gave me a certificate to sweep the floor whenever I wanted him.  That was really cute. 

Well, Christmas is around the corner. EEK!!!

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