Saturday, March 6, 2021

Camping & Cousins

We've been enjoying some family time lately, even though it's not as much as we'd like!  And Elden had his first Young Men campout! 

Shanna is enjoying doing different poses still! 

February 26, 2020 Shanna and I got a picture together back to back, so we did them again a year later, and with Haley. Haley is still slightly taller. 

But they are both a few inches taller than me!

Clark had fun taking things out of his Celica.  It is now at shop #3.  We'll see what they can do to fix it!

The young men had a campout the end of February.  And of course it snowed and was cold.  Not ideal conditions.  They camped at the Brady's property. Brother Brady is our Stake Patriarch.  I had to hang out for a little bit because no leaders were there...

Their hands became cold quite fast.  They finally wore their gloves! They were cold but came home happy.  They played laser tag that night and enjoyed some fun food.  They were going to do a service project that morning but I guess it was too muddy to do what they wanted.  Clark went for breakfast and the service project that didn't happen and brought the boys home. One of the leader's truck got stuck in the mud. Brother Brady came with his tractor to pull him out.  Clark went around him, drove very slowly, and got out just fine. 

Clark brought the Celica home from shop #2 but it died on him on the way home.  Cal and Elden and I helped Clark push it home.  Here Clark is on a slope so no pushing needed.  The shop said they did all they could.  Hopefully shop #3 will have better luck!

Friend time on the trampoline!

Elden's little headphone man. 

Fun in the kitchen. Always. 

We finally bought a new trampoline!  I guess we should have bought one sooner.  We kept replacing the springs and I think in the fall of 2019 some stray cats fought on it and tore two holes in the mat. More springs fell off and we decided not to replace them.  They are about $6 each!  When the trampoline arrived the kids were more than happy to tear up the old one and help set up the new one. 

I am doing my own little training for a personal marathon in April.  I went on a 15 mile run the morning they were setting up the trampoline.

The cousins arrived and we had fun with motorcycle rides, shooting paintballs at gingerbread houses, jumping on the trampoline, going to the park, taking a trip to Lee's office, playing games, eating and visiting.

During the fun happenings the mail came with this!  So exciting!

That night we had a little birthday party for Elden while family was here.  Ice cream in cones for dessert!

We loved that Darrell, Stacie, Joseph, Jessica, Eric, Lisa, Kylie and Serena were able to visit! It's weird that Katie is out at college--but so exciting. 

For some random stuff at the end...I thought this fact about the prisoner and dental floss was funny.

BYU sent Clark some fun swag--socks, a banner and some stickers.  It's so exciting that he got in!

There was a canvas bin in the side kitchen area full of school stuff. I just left it because I didn't know the kids needed or didn't from the bin.  I realized one day that it had been sitting there for a long time with NO changes.  So I dumped everything on the table and told the kids to get what they wanted.  Everything else was going to be trashed/donated/etc. I'm pretty sure I took this picture after we had already started. 

Spring is thinking about coming!  I can't wait till SUMMER!!!

McDonald's had Pokemon cards in their happy meals for Pokemon day.  Cal and Elden walked down and bought some with their money.  I saw them walking home while I was out jogging. 

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